What's your hobby?

Walking, reading, doing weights, gardening, this forum, Tai Chi......




-Downhill Skiing


-Crafts/my Art


-Getting Dressed Up (it's a hobby, when it takes a couple of hours):jump:

-Still Finding the things I truly like to do on my own, without the input of others.​
Well, I like to do a few things...

Playing guitar
Pooping in the toilet riiiiight after my mom cleans it, just to piss her off
Watching movies
Listening to music
sport, sport, more sport, Tabletop Wargames, Lightning Photography, Learning new things, RPG's (the original tabletop ones, not the anti social computer ones :D), Building model scenery.
singing, dancing, writing, reading, making tapestries, learning languages, watching dvds, walking, annoying my family.... all subject to how much time I spend eating chocolate and posting on internet forums.
Rippind down a mountain on either bike or skis
Live music
Cooking a good meal with friends with a kick ass bottle of red!
Rippind down a mountain on either bike or skis
Live music
Cooking a good meal with friends with a kick ass bottle of red!

So, what happens if the bottle of wine you have is just sooooort of kick ass? Like, sort of kick ass, but not really aaaaall that tough? You know, like the Vin Diesel of wines? I mean, sure, he's all big and tough, but, come on...his movies suck. Except Boiler Room. Yeeeeeah, that was a good one. I liked that one. But, he wasn't like the main character in that movie, so that's probably why it was good. Plus, he didn't take his shirt off, sooooo, that's a plus. For me anyway. You might like that.

...where am I?
Listening to music
art(drawing and graphic design)
facebook(hopelessly addicted..lol)
watching tv
strangely running/working out makes me very happy! its the happy harmone effect :D

apart from working out, I love browsing, reading , makeup and shopping
Reading, playing guitar in my band, riding motorcycles, designing websites, making bonsai trees, gardening and woodworking. Its fun for me. Next summer my project is redoing the house in mission/ arts & crafts style trim.
Well... erhm... Hiking and all things to do with the great outdoors (hiking, climbing etc.)

And.. biology... some physics and chemistry... all things natural science.

I do enjoy mocking quacks too but I'm unsure as to whether that counts as a hobby.


well and someone has to go "sex" here.. so.. there..