whats your favorite prohormone!!!!!!!!!

new to the board, im looken on getten some prohormones. i tryed h-drol 25mg tabs, and they were awsome, had awsome gains. now im looken for somethen a bit stronger. i was thinken of est hemadrol. i also like 1-adiol.
what would you say is the most potenet, and the most mass gaing. im looken for mass, i do not want to cut up what so ever, 5'9 175lbs. i no all about the ups and downs of these compounds, so go ahead and slam me with your best prohormone. i also want to stay away from diehydrotestostrone, (dht) causes male baldness/

anyone ever respond in this forum
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Please don't waste your time (and money). Anything that's going to work is not legal.

bro i had great gains on h-drol. blew my arms apart, gained 16lbs in 4 weeks, so ya i didnt waist my money because i got 14 pounds left, lost 2 from water
Fine, choose not to believe us, and waste your money.

That won't change the fact that the ONLY stuff that ACTUALLY WORKS are all illegal.

Try googling "FDA Ban pro hormone" and "Pro steroid".

3 years ago the FDA banned anything that actually worked.
1 ad and 4ad, can put on a couple solid pounds in a short lil mini cycle , its illegal now, (the real prohormones) , so if ur gonna do something illegal, id do some good stuff , instead of PHs
I actually agree with mike here. If you're gonna run the risk with hormones, you may as well go for the real stuff, rather than try pro-hormones that are just gonna waste your money and probably give you tits.

1AD and 4AD are high aromatizers (convert to estrogen), so even with proper PCT you're still giving yourself too much estrogen...vs just with with test. or any other proven (but still highly illegal) anabolic steroid.

and, I wouldn't ever ever try steroids unless you know so much about them you could write a book or teach a college class.

If you don't know that much about em, you're not educated enough to use them.

Also keep in mind that getting steroids is a crap shoot. lots of overseas places will send you 'whatever' and call it 'test' or 'winnie' or 'dbol'....but maybe it's just saline...or something deadly.

why should they care, they got their money.
well said Malkore, id never try purchasin steroids over seas and havin them sent here, 1. customs might intercept them, or 2. u never know what the hell ur using.

but with 1ad 4ad, it was garbage , but i did put on some solid pounds that i was able to keep. And for the estrogen risk, i ran nolvadex along with it just to be safe, wasnt too bad, but with the ammount of eating and working out i was doing , i prolly woulda had the same gains with or with out that crap. :p
see, I've never heard of nolvadex. i just remember the days of over the counter 1ad and 4ad, and they wouldn't tell you what you should stack with it to avoid growing tits ;)
got a bottle of deca 300mg/ml wanna run d-bol for 3 weeks to jump start, should i run dbol for more then 3 weeks, i was thinken 35mg a day.
got a bottle of deca 300mg/ml wanna run d-bol for 3 weeks to jump start, should i run dbol for more then 3 weeks, i was thinken 35mg a day.

You'll shut your hpta down hard with a combination of dianabol and nandrolone deconate, I hope your gf/wife isn't a fiend for it because you won't be. And at least take some liver supps while you're ingesting that 17aa. I don't suggest steroids to anyone who isn't competing on a national level, with extensive endocrine, pharmacology, and physiological studies.
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bro what the hell is your problem, i though this is what a board is for, ya no what bro i dont need your ****en advice if your gona be a punk!

1. This is the last board you want to be asking for AAS advice from. And considering that you're planning on running deca without test (as Mreik alluded to), you obviously didn't do your research or didn't ask anyone who had a clue.

2. If you're asked a question in a civil manner and you respond by calling someone a punk and using nice, choice words shows a lot about your character.

3. You didn't mention anything about PCT. If you didn't get anything then you need to stay as far away from AAS as possible.
Thread is dangerously close to being locked. DAME, go find a forum that actually discusses AAS. has a forum for anabolics and several knowledgable members.
Mreik shouldn't have to school you.