Weight-Loss whats up here?



New member
im getting sick of just eating in general. typical i dont eat too much, just enough throughout the day that i dont get shaky.

an example for one day:
wake up= coffee with creamer

breakfast= cereal(special k with strawberries) with soy milk

midday snack (about 4 hours later)= pretzels with a green tea

dinner= rice with chicken breast and plain yogurt (portion is controlled)

night snack= watermelon slices

and thats it. i exercise for about 30 minutes a day but i dont know what is up. i feel nauseous and just disgusted by food...like i cant bear to put anything in my stomach.

does anyone have any idea what this is from?

p.s. i dont like to feel this way about food because one should appreciate the fact that they are given enough food to not be starving.
I'm sure one of the excellent guys and girls on here will be along to help you but to me you are definitely not eating enough.
I think you really need to make an appointment to see your doctor or a counsellor.

How much do you weigh and your height if you dont mind me asking?
I'd suggest that your relationship with food needs medical attention. Given you're a teenager, you need to be eating enough to get the nutrients you need to support your growth and development (development ceases at about 25, even if you're not growing anymore). Without even trying to quantify what you're written I can tell you it's nowhere near enough.

If the thought of food makes you ill for non-physical reasons (a stomach bug is a physical reason, for example), then you need to see your doctor and sort this out as soon as possible, you could be heading into incredibly dangerous territory (I don't like to diagnose over the internet, particularly as I'm not a doctor/ dietician/ medical professional/ nutrition related anything, although I have my suspicions).