Sport What's the truth about water consumption for men?

Sport Fitness
My wife told me that in her home country (Brasil), it is a well known fact and cultural practise to not drink during a meal, and if you do, drink very little. I have read some posts in the woman's section regarding this, but how can this benefit men who are trying keep lean (or get leaner)??
weird. sorry to hear that you cannot drink during meals.

water consumption is a daily lifestyle for me :] a must
There is a fact of water filling (or any liquid) you up during or before meals. However this actually works in your advantage to drink a lot of water. You should be easier to satiate when you down the wet stuff. So, to debunk the myth here..... water will help you lose fat and consume you get leaner.
Yeah, i need 10oz of water per meal or it just doesn't go down nicely.

to answer the question: your body is something like 70% water. why WOULDN'T you want to drink a lot of water, every day, including meals??

1 gallon (4 liters) is a recommended amount for men AND women.
Remember the 1 gallon of water a day includes what you get from food you eat. So, if you eat a lot of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables (like you should!) you could get a much as half of your daily water needs from your food. Of course, a little extra water won't hurt you, but a little too little will, so it is always better to err on the side of a little too much water.
basically, your urine should be nearly clear. a very pale yellow is the norm.

and yeah, if you take a daily multi, its normal for it to be quite yellow the next time you go. extra vitamin C will do that.
By my conjecture I can is it safe to say that water consumption needs DO differ between men a women?
I read a post in the weightl loss section of a woman who couldn't get those last 15lbs off, until after she stopped drinking water during and after meals.
So, this does not apply to men? If so, then good! I love drinking lotsa clean liquids, like unsweetened tea and water, with my meals.
not sure what post you're talking about, but the ONLY difference in water consumption between men and women is that women tend to be smaller, lighter humans, and might need 1-2 cups less water per day than a man.

So if anything, men should drink 1-2 glasses MORE water than a woman, per day.
teknotexan said:
My wife told me that in her home country (Brasil), it is a well known fact and cultural practise to not drink during a meal, and if you do, drink very little. I have read some posts in the woman's section regarding this, but how can this benefit men who are trying keep lean (or get leaner)??

I have heard second hand that Puerto Ricans typically drink water AFTER the meal.

They focus on the eating of the meal and drink afterward so that they enjoy the meal more.

I think that is bogus because you taste food more when the mouth is refreshed every few bites, but what do I know? :p