Eggs are of great nutritional value, no question about that. The other day I was reading info in the net regarding how many eggs one could eat a day/week before trespassing the health limit. And I found two opposite views:
1) The traditional view, that claims that one should avoid too many eggs since the yolk contains high dose of cholesterol.
2) Another view on this subject claims that there's no problem in eating eggs frequently since the cholesterol level in our blood is due to our own body's production of cholesterol, which is synthesized from sugars, fat, etc in our liver, and it is not related to the cholesterol we eat.
So I'm posting here to receive feedback on this subject from forum members. Thanks.
1) The traditional view, that claims that one should avoid too many eggs since the yolk contains high dose of cholesterol.
2) Another view on this subject claims that there's no problem in eating eggs frequently since the cholesterol level in our blood is due to our own body's production of cholesterol, which is synthesized from sugars, fat, etc in our liver, and it is not related to the cholesterol we eat.
So I'm posting here to receive feedback on this subject from forum members. Thanks.