Sport What's the truth about eggs?

Sport Fitness
Eggs are of great nutritional value, no question about that. The other day I was reading info in the net regarding how many eggs one could eat a day/week before trespassing the health limit. And I found two opposite views:
1) The traditional view, that claims that one should avoid too many eggs since the yolk contains high dose of cholesterol.
2) Another view on this subject claims that there's no problem in eating eggs frequently since the cholesterol level in our blood is due to our own body's production of cholesterol, which is synthesized from sugars, fat, etc in our liver, and it is not related to the cholesterol we eat.
So I'm posting here to receive feedback on this subject from forum members. Thanks.
an egg contains somthing like 1/3 of our recomended daily intake of i dont think its a good idea to have too many, i usualy have 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites a day
There are two kinds of people in the world, cholesterol hyperresponders and hyporesponders. Pray you are the latter, because then you can eat a lot of eggs.

Most people are hyporesponders and don't have to worry much about the cholesterol in their diet. The egg scare is pretty old and only conservative organizations still recommend only like 3 eggs a week or something.
The only real down side to eggs is that the yolk contains saturated fat. As long as the total amount of saturated fat you take in in a day is less than your target level, you can eat all the eggs you want. It is generally the saturated fat that causes an increase in serum (blood) cholesterol levels, not the cholesterol in the eggs, since most people break all the dietary cholesterol (cholesterol they eat) into its component parts and it has no effect on their serum cholesterol level.
There are two kinds of people in the world, cholesterol hyperresponders and hyporesponders. Pray you are the latter, because then you can eat a lot of eggs.

Most people are hyporesponders and don't have to worry much about the cholesterol in their diet. The egg scare is pretty old and only conservative organizations still recommend only like 3 eggs a week or something.

How do you know which you are?
you don't, unless you go to a doc and test it. It's not something people usually test, though. You'd have to strictly control your diet, go get a blood sample, then increase the cholesterol in your diet and change nothing else for maybe a month, then take another sample to see if the cholesterol affected you. Personally, I just bet I'm not a hyperresponder and go for the eggs. 10 each day :D
i know for sure that 2 eggs per day would be enough but someone told me that you can eat as many as you want without the yolk. now this one makes me confused.
Not to be harsh, but I find that statements like "I know FOR A FACT" because "someone told me" hold very little weight. Referencing some documented clinical literature would provide knowledge of a fact; listening to what "someone" told you provides evidence of gullibility. Eggs are not the enemy. As has been pointed out, dietary and blood serum cholesterol are two different animals. There is a reason we are advised to get 300 mg of dietary cholesterol daily.
Eggs are the most balanced food there is from a macronutrient standpoint. Keep that in mind when someone tries to tell you not to eat them.