Sport Whats the trick?

Sport Fitness
So I'm still eating around 2700 calories a day, and am usually getting in 1g of protein per lb which is 170. Trust me, I am eating good, very good. I want to shed pure body fat and no muscle if possible, but I can't seem to do it. I guess I am at a plateau right now.

My question is, can I just up my cardio and not change my diet to shed fat, or will this just end up burning muscle? Or should I just do what I am doing and cut out some calories? Do I need to add more calories to get the extra nutrition I need to make it through the cardio? I don't want to burn my muscles as I worked really hard to get them. Is there some sort of ratio for how much muscle you would burn doing X amount of cardio and eating X amount of calories?

I always read about burning fat and burning calories of course, but does anyone know when you start burning muscle and how fast this happens? I know that 1lb is 3500 calories, but not sure if thats one lb of fat or muscle.

Last I measured I was at 10% body fat and I have been measured as low as 8%, but theres always a range of 2-3% more or less. I don't really look any different since I was measured at 8 and I want to see some change soon because I am getting bored. Any advice>
What's your macro breakdown? You might need to reduce carb intake.
I'm going with newf here - Its not just enough to get around 1g of protein per pound of body weight. If you wanna shed fat you gotta pay attention to your macronutrient ratios for not only protein, but carbs and fat as well. But to answer your question IMO cardio can always be intensified for more results. Just make sure your not selling yourself short diet wise.
I'm on a 40/40/20 Basically 40% Protein 40% Carbs and 20% Fats.

For example one day I ate

Honey Oats and Raisin Cereal (1 Cup) with skim milk two egg whites and an english muffin with peanut butter.

For a snack I had a Physique cookie with 10 oz of milk. These cookies are grub and have only whole ingredients and 20 g's of protein, with 6 gs fat and a minor amount of sugar.

Lunch I had a ham and turkey sandwich on whole wheat with spinach and a raw carrot.

Protein shake for another snack, the Cytogainer brand, I'm sure you guys know it.

Dinner I had a two burritos with guacomole and some cheese. Later I had a bottled starbucks frappawhatever you call em.

By the way this is probably a dumb question but whats IMO cardio? I tried incorperating HIIT once a week for a cardio day. That crap is freakin tough.. It will help with hockey though, since its explosive and high intensity for a short period of time. Karl you play right? You should try some HIIT if you don't already I hear many hockey players do it.

So what do you guys think? Thanks for your help!
IMO = In My Opinion ;) Yea I've done HIIT before, I may do it again. Anyways if possible 6 equal size meals would be much more effective than 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. A meal would consist of a serving of lean protein at least 25g AND a complex carb. In the later part of the day a fibrous carb (i.e. green veg) can be substituted for the complex. Eat more of your fats at night too (healthy fats!). I don't see any healthy fats unless that peanut butter is natural. Otherwise maybe try some nuts or seeds, just watch the calories in them.
I'd drop carbs down to 35% and up fats to 25%...try to drop some starchy carbs and replace with veggies and fruit.
If you're playing hockey I don't recommend dropping your carbs below 45%.
Ideally 50-55% Carbs - 30% Protein - 15-20% Fats
Hey guys thanks again for the advise. I can't lie I hate veggies... I drink these drinks called Naked Juice, I don't know if you guys have them wherever your at. Its basically a bunch of fruit and veggies blended up, all natuaral. I drink the green one which looks disgusting and at 1st I wondered if this is what they used in "The Exorsist" but it was not actually that bad. Other than that I am trying to have carrots. I also eat tomatos and stuff. I just hate buy loads of veggies then never eating them because they go bad so fast.

Karl, and Malkore if you can I have one more request. I know you guys in the midwest there have Steak and Shake Resturants, because I am from Illinois. On your off day, please eat a Steakburger or two for me... I miss those things!! Or short of that go t oa White Castle for me... Sometimes I feel like pulling a Harold and Kumar and driving out to a White Castle or Steak and Shake and then raging on some burgers and fries.. All we have in CA is crap, crap, and more crap. In and Out is the only burger place I will go to for my cheat meal.
Never heard of Steak and Shake...they don't have those in Nebraska.

Those blended drinks may or may not be useful. Most fruit juice is the fiber is stripped out, and half the vitamins get destroyed during pastuerizing.

Suck it up and eat some salads, peas, carrots.
Closest New Castle to Portland Oregon is in Detroit :p

The only place I've ever seen a steak and shake was Missouri.
Yeah I know, I just need to quit bitching and eat the damn veggies. So fruit juice is crap? What percentage of the vitamins/minerals in veggies are lost if they are frozen? Buying fresh veggies every other day is impossible for me, so Malkore do you think frozen is a waste of time if they lose thier nutritional value?

I have one of those Jack LaLanne Juicers which makes good juice. I guess I have been wasting my time with it?