Weight-Loss Whats the story on nuts...



New member
Just wondering what the story on nuts is, I heard they are good for you. But when I read the info on the back all I see is fat, fat, fat. Is there a good fat and a bad fat? What is the difference between the two. I would appreciate any info.

Are there any good snacks out there for us to eat? Running out of options.
Nuts are good for you, but like anything else moderation is the key.

There are "good fats" and "bad fats".

The "bad fats" are saturated fats and usually (not always, but usually) come from animal sources. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and are the kind that clog arteries. Meat, butter, eggs, and lard are examples of sources for saturated fats.

The "good fats" are unsaturated and usually come from plant sources (and example of an exception is fish which contain Omega 3 fats. Omega 3's are a subdivision of unsaturated fats). Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and aid the body in it's functioning. Joints get lubricated, blood flows freely, muscles are pliable... etc.

Maleficent also posted this link not too long ago which has great information if you are wanting to learn more: