What's the point of living?


New member
I'm not going suicidal on ya'll or anything. I'm just having a bad night. I just need somewhere to express what I'm feeling right now and this is the only place I can think of right now.

But what is the point of living if your just going to die? Maybe I think about it too much and I don't really expect an answer. I don't really want an answer. I just go to too many funerals and I have family taken from me too soon.

Three of my grandparents were taken from me too soon. The first I never knew but I still cry over him. He was electrocuted while using a power drill and fell off of a shed. This was my dad's father and he died when my dad was 16.

The second was my other grandfather.A year from retiring. He died of a blood clot! A hemophiliac dying of a blood clot! What kind of sick ironic death is that!

The third is my grandmother. She died the most recently and I was the one who found her. I was 12 and my mother had called to wake us up so I went and tried to wake Sibby up...I don't believe what my mother when she says that her heart just stopped because she had so much weight on her. I think its a load of bull. She wasn't even that big!

I think about Sibby the most. I lived with her most of my life to help her out because she was an amputee. And I was old enough to know what exactly was going on when she died.

I have never met anyone who has been to as many funerals as I have. I'm 18 and I'm pretty sure that I have been to more funerals than most adults in their 50's have.

I don't know how I have made it through all of this and not gone through any kind of therapy. Though i feel like I shouldn't get close to anyone because they will die one day. I almost don't want to have children because they will one day have to deal with me dying and they will die.

This is hardly the beginning of all I want to say but I'm going to leave it at that for now.

Sorry about this. I just need to let it out. And please no smart answers like "Its just a fact of life" or whatever. It's a rhetorical question. I dont need any smartass comments to top this mood...
I don't know how I have made it through all of this and not gone through any kind of therapy. Though i feel like I shouldn't get close to anyone because they will die one day. I almost don't want to have children because they will one day have to deal with me dying and they will die.
Maybe you do want to consider getting therapy... while how you feel at 18, isn't necessarily how you'll feel in a few years... Having an impartial person to talk some of these thoughts out with and to help get to the root cause of how you're feeling... couldn't hurt.

People die.
Pets die.
Plants die.
Everything living dies at some point, and it sucks but doesnt mean you can't enjoy them while they are here... Not getting close to anyone doesnt make things less painful it's a different kind of pain.
To quote a cheesy saying, "Every man dies, but not every man truly lives." Life is not about the ending, but the living. To give up on that because it will end means that you've lost sight of what is going on. You read a book, knowing that there is a last page. You watch a movie, knowing that there are ending credits. The race is not the last step, but all the steps that get you to that last step. Without them, that last step is useless.

When someone near to you dies, after a long life, or short. Take that time to reflect on the steps that you yourself are taking as well as the steps that person took, first to last.
Try to look at it in a different way. Realize that many of these people died before their time, and use that as a reminder to always ALWAYS live life to the fullest. Make every day count, because you just never know.

And if you're still feeling down, you should go see a therapist. Sometimes it really helps just to talk things through. :grouphug:
Read the story of Kisa Gotami

I lost my father (whom I found dead, just like you), all my grandparents, and my uncle, all before I was 18. I've lost three friends tragically to accidents; they were in their 20s.

These things happen to everyone. don't think that you've been singled out somehow, cus you'll never heal if you do that.
The purpose of life is to leave an impact for our successors. If this weren't the case, then where would humans be as a species right now?
Your problem is that you are confused about where the burden of proof lies (as well as the nature of reality, imo, but you really don't want to talk epistemology with me, just take my word for it, haha). If being alive is the default state, then you must ask, why not live? And you'll find there's no good (see: rational) answer to that question.

If it helps, try to think of life as a dream. Death, time, permanence - these are all illusions. People, things, all wisps. Nothing ends. The dreamer's eyes blink under their hoods, and the world changes. And She will wake, eventually. Whereupon you will see your loved ones again the next night, or you will no longer exist. Until then, why not enjoy yourself? :)
Yea, it's depressing I agree. I lost my Aunt, Uncle, Grandma, and two friends from High school all before I was 20 as well. Would I have wanted any of those people to not get close to me because they will eventually die, not on your life. I've become a better person because of all of them, and yes I miss them (Had some Ginger snaps today which was my Grandma's favorite, and I was thinking of her all afternoon, and I had a big smile on my face). Seeing my childs face for the first time and holding them in my arms, best day of my life. Makes everything worth it. And yes, I will die one day and they will have to deal with it, but I know for a fact that they will still love me forever, and it will be hard, but I hope all the great times we have together far outweigh the bad times.

Making the most out of what you do and how you do it makes life fulfilling!
I watched The Blue Planet series and near as I can tell, food and sex are our only purpose. I'm a moron though, don't take my word for it.
To quote a cheesy saying, "Every man dies, but not every man truly lives." Life is not about the ending, but the living. To give up on that because it will end means that you've lost sight of what is going on. You read a book, knowing that there is a last page. You watch a movie, knowing that there are ending credits. The race is not the last step, but all the steps that get you to that last step. Without them, that last step is useless.

When someone near to you dies, after a long life, or short. Take that time to reflect on the steps that you yourself are taking as well as the steps that person took, first to last.

This is very helpful!
to reproduce haha