Well, since you can't spot reduce (i.e., lose belly fat before fat elsewhere), the diet to give you a six-pack is whatever diet causes you to lose fat period, which will take a calorie deficit. For every 500 Cal/day you burn above what you consume, you lose one pound of fat a week, for 3500 Cal=1 pound of fat. (Conversely, every 500 Cal/day you eat extra will make you one pound fatter each week.) So, look for empty calories. For me, it was drastically reducing my soda pop consumption. Without really changing my diet except for all but completely giving up pop (and drinking green tea and water instead), I really started to see the pounds come off. (BTW, I don't recommend diet pops either, since aspartame and splenda are really not at all healthy, IMHO.) Candy bars and cake and cookies and those sorts of things also are full of sugar and/or fat. But there are other foods some people avoid because they contain a lot of calories and/or fat that I think you should keep if not add to your diet, such as eggs, avocado, extra virgin olive oil, and nuts. They are all nutrient-rich foods with little saturated fat, no trans fat, and plenty of good fats. In your meals and snacks, always include some fat, protein, and/or fiber. These will slow down the digestive process and keep you from experiencing the blood sugar spikes and drops that one might get from eating candy and drinking pop, which are torture on the pancreas and make the person hungry for more. Okay, well, I'm sure someone else will go into more detail, so I'll end it here.