What's the best thing to take next to steroids?

Wondering what the best thing to take to pack on muscle and/or then get ripped. I'm sure there has got to be something for each. Can anyone suggest something? Obviously i want something legal, but i want the closest thing as possible. I want to look like Arnold in 2 years (and i'm not talking about Arnold from Different Strokes).

I heard NO2 is good, is it? Is it the best?

I'm already taking protein ...

Any suggestions is appreciated.

There's no magic supplement nothing on the market works like roids. If you want to look like arnold you will have to do what he done - worked his ass off and lifted a sick amount of weight.
Here's everyone's thoughts on NO2, including mine: http://www.fitness.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8711.

Nothing will get you the results of steroids. Nothing. There are tons of supplements that are good, but nothing that's great. In the words of newf, 'there is no magic pill'.. So get up, and get to the gym. Diet is also very important.

**EDIT.. haha i was typing this before you even posted newf
I got magic pills, there better than anything on the market there called placibo-roids, I'll sell you some. £100 for 30pills.
homeslice said:
I want to look like Arnold in 2 years (and i'm not talking about Arnold from Different Strokes).
good luck with that ;)