What’s the best option for mild problem

I am 23 and noticed breathing issues a few years ago. I was in college at the time and didn't want to go to the doctor because I didn't have trouble breathing, I just didn't have as much breath as I thought I should have (and as I remembered having in High School).

After chest pains a few weeks ago, my worried and sweet wife convinced me to go to the doctor. After some pulmonary tests, EKG (to make sure the chest pains were not my heart) and X-rays (no heart swelling, thank goodness) the doctor said I had mild asthma and put me on Advair. It's been a week now, and if anything my chest hurts MORE. It's still not too bad, but I definitely don't feel any better.
I don't have major asthma attacks, but I do wake up sometimes with slight breathing issues and need to get a drink of water and cough a few times to go back to sleep. I also get a tight and painful chest (normally on the left side, but this morning on the right) sometimes.

What can I expect from the medicine and what’s the best way?

Thanks in advance!
Something like Advair will take more than a week to work. I take something similar and it was a good while before I noticed that I wasn't having problems anymore. Very gradual but was very effective in my case.

Here's some info:

(not sure if we can post links here or not anymore - if the link above is removed, just google "lung association")

Good idea to book regular appointments with your doctor to answer questions and put your mind at ease! (I believe that stress can have an impact as well)

Best of luck to you!
Although I no longer have asthma, I used to have it fairly bad. Try the following:

Sleep with windows shut
Try not to have dust gathering in rooms, eg on curtains etc.
Fans seem to make me tight chested, even now, if I leave one on while I sleep. Although not all the time.

Try taking becotide and then ventilin, up to four times per day.
Just a guess, but do you have hay fever? At this time of year it can get pretty bad for some people and easily affect your chest. Try taking some anti hay fever medicine. If all else fails go to your Doctor.
Re : What’s the best option for mild problem

Your doctor may prescribe things for you to use against what seems to be mild asthma which may not be too good for you in the long run. The Buteyko method is proven, safe and very effective. The book Close Your Mouth and ABC to be asthma free are self help books to teach yourself the Buteykjo clinic method. They are available from for USA and amazon.co.uk for UK and other countries. Patrick McKeown a renowned practitioner teaches many other natural clinic methods at his site It will be well worth your time.
yea right now you are at the heart of Allergy season for the spring pollens, you might need to take Zyrtec or guafied, clariton with it. Talk to your DR. see what he recommend, a combination of drugs is normal for this time of year. Call him up and tell him your issues he will write a new script or have you back to the office.