whats on your rearview mirror ?


New member
for fun i was wondering what is hanging from yur rearview mirror in yer car or truck? Me i got a little cowgirl hat and a crystal star along with a palmtree air freshner that smells like pinacolada!!!!!! so what ya got? STAR
I have a small turtle, a cross that I made at bible camp when i was 14, a small vial that has a piece of rice in it with my name printed on it.
I know it sounds like a lot but each of these things is really small....

I love the smell of coconut! I have a coconut freshener in my car as well! :D
Well my rear view mirror keeps falling down- but when its actully up and working properly :) I have my Sammy Hagar backstage pass hanging up that I got this summer.
I have this High School graduation Tassel ((green and white)) on it as well as a grape foot air freshner.
I have two pine trees, Cinnaberry Scented & New Car Scent that the niece crossed out 'new' and wrote 'Old', mini handcuffs & a mini bead sculpture I made. I used to have a little rubber chicken on there too but it got nasty looking so I took him down. I have a little rubber wiener in my ashtray though (about 1" long)..lol
just my parking pass for work

Well my rear view mirror keeps falling down- but when its actully up and working properly :) I have my Sammy Hagar backstage pass hanging up that I got this summer.

I saw Sammy in Guam when they opened the Hard Rock in 98. We were against the barrier. Some stripper that found her way to our cooler full of beer got a backstage pass, but she was sitting on my shoulders topless. I hope you didn't get yours the same way :p
lol these are great..........Katie why anti rearview accessories:confused: ???
I figured you'd have something colorful!!;) Anyone else care to share??? STAR
I have a picture of my daughter hanging on a string that she made in class and a beautiful sun shaped yellow air refreshner that has loooooooong since stopped smelling good. But its so pretty I keep it. :D When I get in the car from work I hang my badge/ID on there so I won't forget it on my work the following day.
I have a dream catcher that I got from my most recent mini vacation :)
I have a ALS Bracelet to remind me of the suffering my Mother goes through everyday..and to remind me HOW important it is to keep organizing the Golf Tournments I have on her Behalf.. (hope I didn't sound conceded or sad in this statement).. I could never forget the suffering I see my Mom go through with ALS everyday..Sometimes have trouble expressing myself in the right ways.. :eek:
I got a new tiny cowgirl hat that says cowboy butts drive me nuts..........(untill my hubby yanks it down...........he drives the car too:p )
Uhm...I have three vehicles.

The car I have nada...from the rear view, but my husband put his picture on my visor.
The Dodge Ram, since I drive it at the moment, I have my husbands Dog Tags hanging from it...when he comes home, nothing.
The SUV...is currently in Hawaii...in storage...I want to say we have nothing on it...but I might have a pair of Dog Tags swinging from it as well, cant remember.
I've got a polynesian kukui necklace with a maori carved turtle pendant (wood).