Whats on your CTRL & V?

lol what is CTRL V ??? cause I pressed it and this random part of a conversation I had with my friend on msn messenger came up.
If you highlight some text on this website, and press CTRL then C, and then CTRL and V, it pastes it. Copy and paste, lol.

You use it so you don't have to type things up, and can just copy and paste it instead. It's cool!
Heres my CTRL+V

Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
Mark Twain

One of my favorite quotes from Mark Twain, I was trying to place it in my Sig. However it says its to long:(.
Error: File /preview_thumb_list.asp Unexpected error. A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running..
For additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at: .

is that why m y server is crashing? hmmm - I dont know :) Ill have more intersting pasting code later :)
CalcPeriodBean bean = null;
switch (calcPeriodList.size()) {
case 2: Iterator iter = calcPeriodList.iterator();
int count = 0;
Date prevEndDate = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
bean = (CalcPeriodBean)iter.next();
if (count==1) {
prevEndDate = bean.getEndDate();
} else {
bean.setStartDate(TypeUtil.getSqlDate(getWindowDate(prevEndDate, 1)));
case 1: Iterator iter2 = calcPeriodList.iterator();
bean = (CalcPeriodBean)iter2.next();
bean.setStartDate(TypeUtil.stringToDate(bean.getCalcMonth() + "/01/"
+ bean.getCalcYear(), "MM/dd/yyyy"));
default: bean = new CalcPeriodBean();
Traveler's Diarrhea
Of all the illnesses likely to afflict travelers to foreign lands, the most common is "traveler's diarrhea." This disorder, an intestinal infection caused by microorganisms to which the traveler is unaccustomed, is characterized by loose, watery stools often accompanied by nausea and abdominal cramps.

that is no friggin joke... i was just doing some general leisure reading on howstuffworks.com, came across that and figured i just had to send it to my girlfriend. but that was like 2 days ago, usually i use the copy/cut functions more often, lol.

1. Lie on your back and extend the legs up towards the ceiling.
2. Place hands behind your head (lightly cupping it) and contract the abs to lift the shoulder blades off the floor.
3. At the same time, press the heels towards the ceiling, creating a 'u' shape with the torso.
4. Lower down and repeat for 12-16 reps.

hahaha guess its still copied when i was lookin up ab exercises.
An elderly lady goes into the doctor and tells him - "Doctor, I don't know what the problem is, but I've been farting all the time. It's not really a problem socially because they don't make any noise and don't smell. I just can't stop farting all the time. In fact while I've been in here I must have farted at least 20 times."

The doctor nods and gives her some pills. "Here take these for two weeks and come see me again when you are done."

So she takes the pills and returns two weeks later as instructed. Infuriated, she confronted the doctor. "What kind of medicine is this? I'm still farting just as much? They still don't make any noise, but now they stink terribly!"

The doctor nodded, "It's alright, now that we have your sinus' cleared up, we'll work on your hearing next!"

HAHA I was emailing a funny post from this site to some friends. Figured they could use a laugh!

lawl work stuff