What's in your kid's lunch box?

My daughter is at a school that doesn't offer lunch so I have to pack it for her every day. She gets so bored with the stuff that I pack, but I want her to have healthy choices (so no lunchables). If you pack your kid's lunch - what do you put in it???

Here's some of the stuff I rotate through:
- jelly sandwiches
- apple sauce
- fruit
- veggies w/ peanut butter
- cheese sticks
- pretzels
- snikiddy snacks
- freeze dried fruit

- snikiddy snacks
those things are so addictively good - I love the ranch flavor...

no kids for me but some days I eat like i'm 6...

my favorite sandwich is a whole wheat tortilla, with cinnamon, peanut butter, and a banana - rolled up and sliced up like sushi eaten with chopsticks :)