The body adapts to everything you throw at it and storing fat is good for survival, so there is definate merit here.
Weight loss, gain or maintainance comes down to simple formulae with lots of complications, many of them due to the body still being set up for a life of hunter gatherer. Like it or not that is what we have, evolution is not quick on an animal our size so the diet of big mac and fries and life on the sofa will take a few million years to adapt to.
Those in doubt consider we are one of the only animals able to consume lactose as an adult, something we started adapting to around 2 million years ago, and there are still plenty of lactose intolerant people out there.
The one thing I do not like with a lot of this research is the rarely cite all of the details. There will be many who will remember research that eating late in the day made you fat. It was later found that they had been giving two sets of people the same meals, and one an additional bit of food late in the day, surprisingly the one eating more food increased in weight on average, shocking. Never dismiss research, but always ask what factors they have not included. I have produced data for various purposes and the higher level the results the more you need to ask about detail.
There will be many jumping to defend the long duration aerobic work, and to some extent I will be among them but if your training is for pure weight loss or asthetics, look at variety of styles not just one.
One of the questions asked there was how many fat marathon runners do you see. I have known a few, they drank like fish and ate junk. However I also know having run marathons that if it is your main sport and you have plenty of time to dedicate to it, I am talking years here, the training is varied in intensity, style and duration, there is plenty of plodding around of course but that isn't it. There is also the fact that most serious marathon runners really couldn't care less how they look, they just want to run quicker marathons. I knew I was a pathetic scrawny weed that hardly any women found physically appealing when I did it but I could run at 10mph for as long as I wanted and have a 'sprint kick' for the last mile, less said about my sprint the better, suffice to say some liked using me to keep their pace through the rest knowing if they were with me at mile 25 they'd beat me. I was always sub 10% body fat, ate loads but never gained an ounce, I took my training very seriously.
In defence of the plodding around, if you do some of this with other activities it will help you lose weight, but you have to continuously overload and shock your body to get continous results. Going on a machine for an hour a day doing roughly the same will not give you the body of a god or goddess, but it will make you good at that activity.
It is also safe to do for short to mid duration, and this can be incredibly important.
If you have someone carrying immense amounts of excess weight and hypertension then ask them to do HIIT, you will kill them, simple fact. Give that person gentle activity for a few months and it will get their body ready for other activities.
If someone wants to do something like a long swim, cycle or run that they have never done before and has allowed themselves a few months to prepare it is better to get them used to doing this for long duration so they finish than try giving them more intense work as if going for record times.
The idea of using the long low intensity in both these cases isn't to set them up for years to come it is a means to get them ready to do other workouts.l
The most important things in training are to enjoy it, always priority 1 and to know what you want. If the mirror is god, don't copy me and others who only care about ability. If you want to be a world class weightlifter, running 10 miles a day is not going to help much, in the same way as being a marathon runner will not be helped by doing a year of varied 555 training in the gym.
Set your targets, consider timescales and priorities then set up your routines. For lunatics like me who want to be good at everything and am happy to be an ugly mishapen freak, that's easy to set up, not so easy to actually do.