Sport Whats better to eat?

Sport Fitness
Whats better to eat for breakfast (Nutrition/health wise) ?
Shredded Wheat (2 Biscuits + skim milk) or regular Oatmeal?

Does anyone know if Shredded wheat is good for you or not? I am now just finding out that bread isn't that great for you :eek:
Both fine. best to keep changing between the two.
You should get some fruit and protin in there as well.
A lot of people serious about cutting will not eat bread. I don't know your goals but generally a "good" meal to me has got to have veggies and protein. I would have steel cut oats (I dont like them ewww nasty), few egg whites and some broccoli or something like that.
Well my goals are to lose some more weight around the waist line area. I'd like to see some abs :) But ive been doing tons of cardio and some weight lifting. I'll probably reverse my routine as soon as I think i've lost enough wait. Thanks for the imput though guys.
A lot of people serious about cutting will not eat bread. I don't know your goals but generally a "good" meal to me has got to have veggies and protein. I would have steel cut oats (I dont like them ewww nasty), few egg whites and some broccoli or something like that.

By the way, do you happen to know how much fat is in the egg whites ? How many eggs would you normally boil anyways, for a meal?
I don't know the exact break down, Google it. Egg whites are low/no fat low cal and high protein. I don't boil, I scramble, usually 4-5 and mix with veggies. Put 1 yolk in if you want, my dogs eat mine.

Just remember thats just a part of the meal.
Well I've been eating 5 eggs which is about 30 grams of protein with veggies, three protein shakes a day (60g protein), chicken breast with veggies (20 grams of protein) and shredded wheat with milk (about ~10 grams of protein). Its about 120 grams of protein, but I need 180 grams, and find it very hard to get that amount cause I'm not use to eating that much.
20g from chicken breast? Thats a small piece right?

I hope thats not all you are eating, if you have 5-7 meals a day with protein as a base you should reach 180 easy. Shredded wheat with milk is clearly not a meal right? lol
20g from chicken breast? Thats a small piece right?

I hope thats not all you are eating, if you have 5-7 meals a day with protein as a base you should reach 180 easy. Shredded wheat with milk is clearly not a meal right? lol

Yeah its a small piece of chicken. I do only eat shredded wheat with milk in the morning before school. I'll make some changes though. The thing is, its hard making the transition of having 3 meals a day going to 5-7 meals a day! I guess ive been so wrapped up in my unhealthy eating habits.
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Mayhem, why do u say so? I am consuming this drink everyday and I feel much healthier than before. Have you tried it before?

Please share with me if you have any bad experience with it. I am really keen to know.

lol my bad, it was just a wierd first post for you to have. Figured it was spam. No I have not tried it.
no worries, Mayhem. so happen i came across that topic and I thought i would be helpful to share my experience. Did not notice or ever thought of what my first post should be.
