What would you....

Todd Scarborough is coming on Monday. For those who don't know who he is (and that's prob. most of you), here is a link

He's in the store about once a month because he's a rep for Nordic Naturals, Aloe Life, and Bluebonnet supplements. Anyway, he wants to take me on a workout and has said that he and I share a similar bodytype (Mesomorph...however, I carry nowhere near the amount of muscle he does).

Okay, so that's the pointless info. If you were given this opportunity, what bodypart or parts would you want to obliterate?
everything...no really.

if i had to narrow it down, i guess i would go with back stuff, lower stuff as well...hmmm
I would say back as well, maybe oly lifts as well or something too - that would be impressive :)

I want to see videos too..

No -- I'm serious.
Alright, back it is. If anyone has any specific questions they want to ask, lemme know. But yeah...I'll let ya' know what he says. I'm sure I'm gonna be sorry the next day. :)
So when exactly are you gonna go workout with him? Heck, I'm getting anxious. :)

Monday evening. Post workout will be steak, sweet potatoes, and steamed broccoli with a creol sauce.