What would you like in a workout journal app?

I'm an android user, and I'm surprised that I can't find a single workout log app that I like. Even the most popular ones are either too clunky or too simplistic to the point where you might as well write it down on paper.

So, as a novice developer and bodybuilder, I'm wanna make my own! But I want to hear your thoughts. Are there any good log apps out there that you use regularly? What do you like about it, and what would you like your workout app to be able to do?
Not really a body builder more power orientated but here we go.

Start with the obvious
Exercise divisions for sets incorporating reps and wieght. Aditional carry forward option with comments to be able to see next time what you thought this time.
Areas to store body weight, measurements, body fat, personal bests.

Ability to drill into a single set, or out to see trends over time. Ideally incorporating accepted fomulae for comparison to 1rm using weight and reps.

Exercise lists, containing standard exercises to be able to select and option to customise.

Ability to set targets, either bodywieght, exercise weight measurement etc.
Ability to see which style of sessions are best at helping toward chosen goals.

There will of course be more, but that's a good start.
Thanks for the ideas! I really like the idea of personal bests, it isn't clearly visible in most workout apps. As far as the trends and data collection goes, I want to make it really simple and easy to use, so most the graphs/charts should be made by the phone itself taking note of the duration of workout, type of session, etc, rather than the user inputting it themself. I don't know if I can implement it so you can see which sessions are best at helping chosen goals, but it's a good concept.