What would you give up for better results/returns?

What would you not give up for better results/returns?

I started thinking about this question this morning when my work out buddy announced he was going to stop drinking coffee before morning work out (he said something about something his nutrition professor told him - I dont remember it as I had not yet had my coffee). This made me feel a little bad as I had a 22oz cup of Starbuck$ finest (sumatra, black) with me, but then I realized I probably wouldnt have gotten my clothes on if I didnt think that cup was waiting for me. And its not just coffee, he has given up a lot of stuff for better, though seemingly negligible, returns on his workouts (ie real beer). I personally dont think I would ever give up coffee, Guinness, or whiskey regardless of returns.

What are the things you guys would never give up? I hear chocolate is a big one.

Note: this is not a thread debating the detriments of coffee/beer/liquor
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There isn't much that I wouldn't, or haven't already given up. I rarely drink, but rather go with the lesser of the evils. Other than that, I'm really good.

It all depends on how serious you are. If it's just a hobby then there's no need to take it overly serious, but if it's your job or you're competing then it's different.
I'm really bad with my glass or 2 or 3:eek: of red wine!

I did however live for my cup of 7-11 coffee with Irish Creamer! But I have that once every month or so!
I think chocolate would be a big one... I might substitute stuff in it...(as in when I bake a cake or something...)
All things in moderation.

I wouldnt "give up" any foods for my weight training, only cut back on the bad ones.
I gave up my morning lattes about two weeks ago, which I never thought would happen. That's not to say that I won't have them here and there, but when I added them up 7 days a week, it came to a lot of unnecessary and mostly-empty calories. Damn. They are tasty, though.
My staple food used to be pretzels. Yeah, full of simple carbs. When I was still living at home we usually didn't have any food in the house but we always had a bag of pretzels :) So that's what I learned to live on. I almost considered them sacred.

But after much fighting and yo-yoing with them I've finally learned to let them go along with bread & butter. Sigh...

(Hmmm, cheat day is coming up Thursday, but I think I'm going to enjoy some pizza and chocolate instead :p )

Oh, just realized this was for what we would NOT give up. I'm not giving up my steaks. Every week or couple of weeks I have a yummy fatty cut of medium-rare steak without considering it a cheat. I fit it in my calories though. Not sure if it's something I should be doing (since it's red meat and all) but damn is it worth it!

I don't "give up" anything. I operate in moderation. I am not looking for any special look though. I just want to be fit and healthy. I'm sure people who compete in various fitness events may have a different perspective.
I seldom ever eat junk food. Last time i had a candy bar was a few months ago.
I look at them and at first i think "damn that looks good" then i stop and think what good is it? what is it going to do to help my goals and what kind of harm is it doing to my body? then once those thoughts start going through my head i have no craving for it any longer.

To be honest i have been so long with out sugary sweets i no longer have a taste for them. they do not excite me any longer. I guess i "retrained" my taste buds ;).
drinking on the weekends...

If there's anyone on here from Pittsburgh, you'll know that there isn't much of a social life in the city if you're not at a bar or club. I'm young and single... there's no reason to ruin my weekends just to get a fit body if i can't show it off once in a while!