What would you consider a "good" weight for dummbell bicep curls?

In your opinion what would be a respectable weight for dummbell bicep curls, for a young male in a 3x10 exercise?

I've asked this other places, and I've just gotten vauge responces that didn't answer the question. Yes, I realize everyone is diffirent and there is no specific normal, blah blah blah... heard it all before.

I just want to hear your opinion on this question. Or if you don't have one, how much could you lift in this exercise? (with a dummbell, not a barbell.) thanks.
In your opinion what would be a respectable weight for dummbell bicep curls, for a young male in a 3x10 exercise?

I've asked this other places, and I've just gotten vauge responces that didn't answer the question. Yes, I realize everyone is diffirent and there is no specific normal, blah blah blah... heard it all before.

I just want to hear your opinion on this question. Or if you don't have one, how much could you lift in this exercise? (with a dummbell, not a barbell.) thanks.
Hi Jojo3000

For Bicep Curls, For someone who's starting out I usually recommend between 5 to 8 Kilos [per dummbell] ... These may seem light but if done with the right technique can prove quite effective ...

For a seasoned trainer or someone who frequents the gym, you're looking at 10 to 15 kilos each. Even that can be a struggle.

I hope this has helped you a bit!
yeah, my goal is to do the 3x10 exercise for bicep curls and wrist curls with a 40 pound dummbell. Right now I use a 30 pound one, not incliding the bar and stuff.
I find this one of the hardest lifts, in terms of I can't lift very much weight doing them when keeping good form.

I've only been back in the gym a short while really, but it's always been an area i've been disappointed with my strength.

Of course it's all relative to what you can lift, as long as you work the muscles enough it doesn't matter if you're lifting half of what the guy next to you is, you have to use a weight suitable for your strength and goals.
Thats a very hard question to answer. a good weight would be the weight where you are struggling for the last 3 or so reps on your last set of the 3x10. A better weight is when you add more for the next workout.
People go to the gym to be "curl warriors"? How many muscles do you use in the bicep curl and how many do you use in the deadlift or squat for example?
I do not understand why every forum relating to physical exercise is populated mostly by people who can't answer questions.
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Jojo3000, the reason the posters in "quality" forums will call you out for being a "bicep boy" is because only noobs and ignorant teenagers go around different forums asking how much people can bicep curl.

Someone with the understanding of a 10 yr old should understand that biceps are very small muscles, you should be working on compound movements. Is this too much for noobs to understand?
So it upsets you that I asked a question about an exercise other than bench pressing? Wow. Why don't you get upset at all the people that post about that exercise?
I'm done wasting my time on this homosexual forum.
As further proof this forum is homosexual, simply look at the unique emoticons avaliable here.
:love1: :love2:
Hey karky, I said homosexual again. Do your worst. I don't wish to waste any more time at this gay chat room.
I didn't know a forum could be homosexual. You obviously have some issues you need to take care of.. being that you think of forums as items engaging in sexual behaviour.
stay and hang around jojo

theres lots of good info here

It's a place for opinion, if some people think your question is dumb they are welcome to think that. I personally didnt mind the question but it is what it is. THE INTERNET my man

Good luck
Sorry, danny, he isn't coming back. He made an inappropriate remark about homosexuals, I gave him an infraction, and that's what resulted in his previous post.
Since I can't advise you on what I think a person should be able to lift on this exercise, I'll tell you what I can *probably* do for 3x10, which would be about 8kg at a guess. I haven't trained isolation movements other than calf raises and some rehab work in long over a year, so I really don't know what my bicep curl would be, but I know that a couple months ago, some idiot (TM) made me curl 5kg with each arm which was too light, then made me curl 10kg with each arm which was too heavy, and in his silly circuit he refused to give any other options. Of course, isolation exercises should be kept to a minimum within circuits anyway, but that's another issue altogether.
not sure about 3 x 10 right now since I haven't done it in 3-4 weeks

but 2 x 4 I am at 55 lbs each arm and 1 x 5 at 60lbs each arm sometimes I can only do 3 on the set of 60 lbs. I have tried to go up in weight but just can't seem to. The bicep curl is one of my exercises I am least happy with.

That and my bench press are no where near what I would like them to be at. I can only bench like 205 lbs one time last time I checked maybe more now but I never have a spotter so I don't try and see.
Usually I stay below 160 lbs to keep it safe. I am currently benching 80 lb dumbells in each arm 2 sets of 4 and 1 set of 5-6 so I am guessing I could go higher on the bench with barbell.