Sport what will happen to my brother?

Sport Fitness
So having a great diet is preached all the time on this site. So I would like to ask some questions.

My younger brother is 18 now, he's had a pretty terrible diet most of his life and especially after he got his drivers license when he was 16. He eats two meals a day, skips breakfast, and then has hot lunch at school (can be a ton of different things i'm sure you guys know what a basic school lunch is). And then he eats a late supper of fast food, usually mcdonalds. That's on the weekdays. On the weekends he has at least one fast food meal, if not making both of his meals fast food. He isn't fat at all though, in fact he's skinny as a rail. He's six feet and 140 pounds. The reason he doesn't get fat is because he really doesn't eat that much.. he must always stay right around his maintance calories.

So what will happen to a person like this if they continue to eat this kind of diet? There's gotta be some things that will happen.. because that diet is terrible.
There are four "Main" things make your health, Genetics,environment,nutrition, and physical health.

Nutrition and physical health are by for the most significant factors in health.

A person with unhealthy diet has a MUCH higher chance of all cancers,early death,heart disease,mental disorders,obesity,endocrine malfunctions as well as many other factors.

When one is young we can usually "ignore" our diet if we have a very active lifestyle because we do not see the signs of our poor nutrition until later in life.

Physical fitness,Nutrition,Environment,genetics in that order are likely the most important aspects to a long,healthy, and disease free life.
What happens to a lot of men, is as their hormones change as they enter adulthood (remember your testosterone levels peak around age 18), they tend to start to accumulate fat at a much higher rate, so if he continues the way he is he may have a huge pot belly by age 25 or 30.
What happens to a lot of men, is as their hormones change as they enter adulthood (remember your testosterone levels peak around age 18), they tend to start to accumulate fat at a much higher rate, so if he continues the way he is he may have a huge pot belly by age 25 or 30.

And lets not forget that that fat around the midsection is the WORST kind you can have. As that fat secretes a certain chemical that causes inflammation throughout your entire artery system!
And dont forget visceral fat is the dangerous fat, this stuff surrounds your organs, so you cant tell unless you cut him open.

Ive heard of surgeons (talking about when they were younger) who have quit having bad foods. After having there arteries looked at by some of the latest technology they relised just how bad the state of there arteries were, Seemingly slim healthy 20yeard olds, i guess they were wrong.

that didnt make much sense, im tired :)