Weight-Loss What weight loss supplements do you use?



New member
While still being new to this incredible forum (I'm learning as much as I can about the rules and layout)
But before I dig too deep I wanted to make a post so I can see what supplements people like to take.

There are so many out there, and while nothing beats diet and a good workout, I want to know what has helped you all.

Thanks so much!

(sorry if there is already a post on this....I couldnt find it. Just paste a link if there is)

Not aimed towards weight loss, but I take 1 multivitamin and 500 mg of EPA + DHA (I.e: Omega 3) just to make sure that I 'cover all the bases'.

What I will use occasionally is a protein shake, mainly for convenience's sake. There's really not much reason other than that.

Black coffee can be a great pre-workout if you need that extra edge. :)

And that's pretty much it for me. Personally I don't think there's much need (if any) for supplements at all. A good diet will do it 100% of the time. :)
I use a supplement


I use Juice Plus+, it's a supplement not a vitamin and it's something I recently came across. It's the next best thing to fruits and veggies, being whole food based nutrition. So far taking it have had great results like a spike in energy levels, better skin and overall health. I have recommended it to all my family and friends :D
I have (and am having) some really good results using Garcinium. It's an appetite suppressant that contains loads of antioxidants and energy boosters so it works all round to give you energy, stop those annoying hunger pangs and cleanse your body of all that rubbish we fuel it with! I've been on the stuff for about 5 weeks now and have lost over 12lbs without any side-effects. Everything I take has to be natural, so this really fits the bill!
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