Sport what vitamins do you take?

Sport Fitness
I'm taking an Olay multivitamin right now and their Daily Energy Pack that has some great things for the body and the skin like; Vitamin B12, ginseng, and CoQ10. I'm interested in what women are taking and why?
I am taking ultimate women from the vitamin shoppe it is there store brand. I take one in the morning and one at lunch. I like it! It is actually the first good vite I have ever taken before that I would take like a flinstone because I like the way they taste. I need to add that I am 27 years old so I guess it was about time to let go of the flintstones LOL. The only thing that I think is weird about the Ultimate women is that it makes your pee really bright yellow. I honestly don't know much about vites but I like this one.
At the moment I'm doing KALs Enhanced Energy multi vitamin and Country Life's multi mineral. I take a boat load of other stuff like fish caps, wheat grass caps, hyalluronic acid, etc
None....once I found out that majority of the products on the market is nothing but synthetic crap..I threw all that gunk out of my fridge. As for legit, certified organic, or wholefoods supplements company that do not also sell poisons...and as for people who actually do or have researched or even care...I've found them few and far between.

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centrum silver fool! or any one-a-day multi geared to mens health