Sport what type of sugar is better

Sport Fitness
neither is sugar...they are artificial sweetners.

i personally think a little sugar, like in your morning coffee, is fine. when I reach for a sweetner that's not sugar, I use Splenda (aka sucralose), since it technically is a sucrose molecule with a chlorine atom bonded to it. your body can't break the bond, so the sucrose isn't broken into energy, and has no effect on insulin levels.

sweet n low is sacchrine I think...totally artificial, and high levels of sacchrine causes cancer in lab mice.

so again, fake sugar in moderation.
so your saying Splenda is better. I don't mind using alittle of real sugar for coffee but when it comes to big amounts, like baking cookies or something, Splenda would be better. Right?
Watch the amount of Splenda you take in. Since it's a non-food, and it's new, I worry about the long term effects.

One thing I noticed is that if I have too much splenda, my stomach is bloated and crampy. I like sugar in the raw, but there is also a sweetner that is dehydrated cane. I saw a natural fruit based 'sugar' at the health food store as well. They're both expensive so maybe not what you would want for cookies either!
malkore said:
neither is sugar...they are artificial sweetners.
sweet n low is sacchrine I think...totally artificial, and high levels of sacchrine causes cancer in lab mice.

That study was thrown out because the high levels were equivilent to something on the order of gallons/day for humans. That's why saccharin is back on the market.

Saccharin tastes like crap.

Go with splenda.
I put one teaspoon of regular table sugar in my one cup of cofee each day. If I'm at a restaurant, I will use Equal, SweetNLo, or Splenda in my iced tea depending on what is available.

Use any of them in moderation, if you're using really small amounts, I don't personally think the 16 or so calories from a teaspoon of sugar is that major, or that the supposed harmful effects of artificial sweeteners are going to cause you cancer.

It's pretty much splitting hairs either way.

Yeah I know it was unrealistic amounts of saccharine...but I work with people who'll drink over a 6-pack a day of diet soda, and that's just while they're in the office. And since people live longer than mice, I just fear that moderately high intake in humans will still do bad stuff 30 years from now.
malkore said:

Yeah I know it was unrealistic amounts of saccharine...but I work with people who'll drink over a 6-pack a day of diet soda, and that's just while they're in the office. And since people live longer than mice, I just fear that moderately high intake in humans will still do bad stuff 30 years from now.

Perhaps, I have no opinion on that because I'm not a scientist. It does seem unreasonable to force feed mice gallons of saccharin and call it good research.

However, the biggest decider should be taste in this case. Saccharin is nasty.

I think even refined sugar in moderation is ok. As an alternative, dextrose is like 80% the sweetness of refined sugar and I think that is also ok, in moderation.