What type of imbeciles run training.fitness.com?

What type of imbeciles run training.fitness.com? I was called a moron by someone (as well as a d1ck,a door knob and other unpleasantries) and the mods did nothing. I called someone a retard and I get a warning p.m. When I ask in the lounge why no action was taken against the guys and also point out that a moron is the same as a retard i get banned.

There are a minority of abusers on the site ruining it for everyone. I was told the site was a bad one by my friend who was abused after asking for help on pilates/yoga.
no one sees what warnings are handed out -so you don't know if someone else was handed a warning...\

But Im curious -this is yor first post on this forum - why start off being negative?
The likes of chillen, bubba/derwdon etc can make whatever comments they want to make. Who ever heard of anyone getting banned for publicly asking why no action was taken. No action was taken because the abuse continued being thrown at me. Otherwise if any action was taken why are they still posting and why am I the only one banned?

I'm sorry for being negative but someone has to look into this situation.
Yea man, keep the drama where it started.... we don't need that around here.
