what to take?

i've been working out for about 6 months now, and i see some definition at various muscle areas, but i have not gained any weight i've always not been a person who eats alot nd am regularly missing meals and eating lots of fast food i think this may be a big part of the problem, but i would also like to drink some sort of protein shake my goal is to basically put on some muscle mass, so which protein powder should i buy??

thanks in advance
i buy the over priced gnc brand, :) 100 percent whey protein! get the chocolate :) its good
i get '100% designer whey' i got it cheap from BJ's for 13 bux for 3.5 lbs. any whey protein would be good to have to help get enough protein in. and of course so that you can take protein in as a liquid after your workout so that it can digest faster. ^^
- Nitrean is what I use

anything from Optimum Nutrition, just buy online to get a good price (and not the GNC rip off)
I really want to try some Nitrean - It will be my next purchase, from the sounds of it, it is great. But to the OP, right now I use Optimum Nutrition as well. Great price for the best tasting stuff I've had.