Sport What to eat when you, well... can't eat?

Sport Fitness
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Well... I've got tonsillitus... And it's a PITMFA to eat most anything solid. Sometimes I feel better than others and can muscle down food, but sometimes the pain is too much to bare. I still have an appetite, but I just can't eat anything that's crunchy/hard and what not. Today I had a banana and some Instant Breakfast, lunch I had soup and a fruit smoothie... Hopefully the pain won't be too bad in a couple hours when I eat dinner :action:

Is there anything in particular I can drink, besides my whey protein, that will give me the nutrients my body needs to run? Hopefully I'll be feeling well in a matter of a day or two and I won't have to worry about this...
Ensur or maybe some of the meal replacement stuff (I do not take either).
for breakfast, lunch, or diinner porridge is the way to go man you can eat it at any time and its like a complete meal and takes like 5 minutes to make but yeah the blender would also be a good idea :p
I had my jaw wired shut for 5 months once. Stick it all in a blender, it works just fine, and you'd be surprised that it can taste good too.

I got to eat both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner that way, and they were surprisingly good.

Make a regular meal. Blend it with some water. Heat it up again and drink.

It might look a bit odd, but it tastes just fine.
Well after the first day or two it wasn't bad, I'm feeling a helluva lot better now. My left side gland is still somewhat swollen but not enough to really get in the way of my day. I ate a fair amount of Cream of Wheat these past few days for breakfast, and drank a number of protein shakes :)

Last time I had tonsillitus, it hurt so bad that I couldn't eat or drink squat. It took all I had to take the liquid antibiotics and pain meds they gave me. It hurt to talk, swallow, breath, spit, anything! I hope I don't get it again for a long time.