Sport What to eat? This is the hardest part.

Sport Fitness
Hi everyone, I am new here and I have not been very careful with my health and I am determined to loose around 50 lbs. Right now I am 240 lbs and 6 foot tall. I eat cerial and toast in the mornings and I eat a 6 inch subway sub for lunch and dinner or salmon and green beans for dinner. Subway mainly cause its not to bad for you. I am trying to eat 2000 calories a day and limit the fat to a semi low number. Is that an alright diet? I mox it up some but I am not looking to body build or anything so is that ok? I wanna get down to 190 or lower depending on how it will look. Any help is great.
You didn't mention your exercise plan, but I assume you exercise daily. On days where you lift weights, you should kick up the calories by a couple hundred. Exercise will increase metabolism. :)
Change in lifestyle, eating habits, and some exercises/ yoga are the best way to lose weight. First of all you do ten sun solutions and there after lye down on floor or hard bed and make zero by rotating your both the legs in clock wise and anti-clockwise direction and do Urdhvahastottanasana Ek Pad Utanasana and Pawan mukta asanas. Stop taking junk and spicy food, deep-fry food, processes food, ice cream, high fat diets chocolates, sweets, wafers and high carbohydrate food like potatoes, rice and pasta as these items lose nutrition balance and causes deposition of excess fat on body. Eating too much than the required amount of dietary intake may also cause obesity.
Hi everyone, I am new here and I have not been very careful with my health and I am determined to loose around 50 lbs. Right now I am 240 lbs and 6 foot tall. I eat cerial and toast in the mornings and I eat a 6 inch subway sub for lunch and dinner or salmon and green beans for dinner. Subway mainly cause its not to bad for you. I am trying to eat 2000 calories a day and limit the fat to a semi low number. Is that an alright diet? I mox it up some but I am not looking to body build or anything so is that ok? I wanna get down to 190 or lower depending on how it will look. Any help is great.
right now I am running on a eliptical machine for an hour every day. I havent focused on lifting weights but will start soon too. I do push ups and sit ups everyday too.