Weight-Loss What to drink?



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I am beginning my weight loss journey and am struggling with what to drink.
Regular beverages like (Coke, Mt. Dew) are high in sugar and calories. Diet drinks have an unbearable after taste. Energy drinks are proving to be very unhealthy. Even fruit juices are high in sugar. What are some low calorie, low sugar options that don’t have the after taste of die drinks?
Drink water - zero calories. If you don't like the taste of water, add fresh lemon or lime. You can also drink tea.

Trust me, if you stop drinking sodas for a month you will start disliking them. It's a habit that can be changed.
Trust me, if you stop drinking sodas for a month you will start disliking them. It's a habit that can be changed.

This is very true. I stopped drinking soda years ago and I was pretty much addicted to root beer, now the taste of any soda is absolutely horrible to me!
Green Tea is great help in weight loss

Get yourself in a habit of drinking green tea. You will be surprised how good you will feel. And it's a great element for weight loss meal plans. Japanese people drink it all the time - how many fat people you see among them? I always drink hot green tea after my lunch and dinner. It is good for digestion as well. Getting used to green tea you will discover many healthy properties that it has. You can drink it cold or hot, with lemon or lime as well.
Drink plenty of water, fresh fruit juices and green tea. Do not drink green tea in excess. Stay away from bottled beverages. Along with these, maintain a healthy diet with fruits, vegetables and nuts to compensate on your essential nutrients. Practice yoga and meditation to workout your mind and body.
I am a big believer in not drinking calories. It is hard enough to watch your calories throughout the day while adding them from soda or fruit juices. If I need some kind of flavor, just add one of those zero calorie powder thingies to water. Or if you need some kind of recovery drink after a workout, low-fat chocolate milk works great.
Water, green tea, crystal light are all great ideas.

Heres another one, I find there is something about drinking a nice cold glass of soda, it's an experience in itself and the carbonation bubbles are a big part of that experience.

So for a great tasting low calorie carbonated beverage try club soda or tonic water with fresh lime or lemon in it, it is cool, refreshing and fantastic.

I am ADDICTED ...ADDICTED to cola....I use to pour myself a glass when I got home at night, and the cola would relax me- it was like a drug.

I have been trying to get off of cola for a LONG time...I switched to coke zero (which has a good taste), and have been decreasing intake (first by day, then by week)...every time I want a cola, I pour myself a glass of water. I ALWAYS have ice water in my reach so that whenever I want a drink, it's there!

And it's working!

You consume SOOO many calories through drinks...if you cut that out, and drink water, you'll be shocked at what a change that makes to your diet :)

Good luck!