What to do about Sore Feet?

My feet after I run on the treadmill get really sore, the other day I picked up insoles for my running shoes (i think my shoes are pretty good, I know good shoes are important I got them at Foot locker I told the guy I was looking specifically for running shoes they are Adidas and cost me about $120 if that makes any difference) and after I added the insoles my feet don't feel as sore at the end of each run and in general walking in them and standing in them etc. feels better but, by the end of the week like today they are feeling really sore even though I didn't run at all today (but I ran every day this week up until today, so it seems to add up by the end of the week) though I was at work and standing up a lot but, still I don't want them to feel this sore, i'd like to keep pushing myself and running more and more but, I don't like how sore my feet get.

Is there something I can do about it each night after a run like a good foot spa or foot massage device? I tried to check amazon and the common big retail sites but, all the reviews for all the foot spas seems to be below average, looks like there aren't any good ones that really stand out, so I haven't made the decision to purchase one but, I'm wondering if somebody recommends one then I'll just get it, since I'm hoping anything would be better than how I feel right now.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Do you have flat feet or some other arch problem? Sometimes, not even store-bought insoles are good enough, and many people will end up needing custom arches.

How about trying trail running outdoors? Running on treadmills tends to make people slam down their heels more, which can really hurt the arch and you legs. Running outside can fix the weird form treadmills give you and doing it on trails will minimize the impact.
I wasn't sure about my arch size but, I googled for arch size and did a test and seems I'm normal/medium arch. We don't have trails near here and in the summers it gets way too hot here (texas) so I would end up having to use the treadmill at some time, and plus I prefer the convenience.
well I guess I just needed to give the insoles more time, my feet don't feel sore anymore and I about doubled my running last week, even after work on the weekends everything felt fine. if I feel anything at times it's slightly and in the evenings I barely notice or even forget how sore I used to be.
Instead of running 5 times a wk maybe you need to cut down to 3 to give your feet more time to recover, in the meantime you could do less foot impacting wkt like the elliptical,bike or the stairmaster.
No, it was the shoes / insoles. Even though I was feeling better I went and got some shoes at a running store specially fit and superfeet insoles, I now do the treadmill 4 miles a day averaging 16-20 miles a week, sometimes there are those days where I don't have enough time but, I usually go for 20. My feet might feel a little achy during the run or end but, when I'm done and after I remove my shoes, I don't even feel anything, I even forget I ran. Then a couple hours later I do even more exercsing/cardio with p90x.
This is really a common problem of the beginner. You have just started running and it would take time to get yourself adjusted with your new daily routine.

Now there are some products and yes, those are helpful. But the real question is how long it would help you.

First of all involved yourself to do some free hand exercise before running. There are lots of free hand leg's exercise. It would help you to loose the muscle of your leg. Stretching plays very important role in order to get out from this type of pain.