What time of the day do you weigh?


New member
Hi hi,

So is there any optimal time of the day to weigh in?
I mean I'm trying to use a ticker but it's useless when I weigh myself and
change my ticker then post a different weight later on in the day.

I suppose I should just choose a time of the day to weigh in at and then stick
to only that time.

Hmmmm...what do you all think?

Always weigh first thing in the morning, after going to the bathroom.
Same, first thing in the morning. It's vanity, because I always seem to weigh the lowest then - but it's also somewhat consistent because it's not going to be thrown off as much by whether or not you just ate dinner.
Consistency is the most important thing. Not only at the same time of day but the SAME SCALE. Some people don't think about this, but every scale weighs just a little differently.

I personally weigh in the morning, right after I get out of the shower, naked.

Also keep in mind if you weigh later in the day, anything you've eaten or drunk will add to your weight. A gallon of water weighs 8.4 lbs. So if you drink a 20 oz bottle of water and step on the scale, you're going to weigh 1.4 lbs more because of the weight of the water in your stomach.

Plus, whatever you wear shows up on the scale. So if you weigh on Monday in your gym clothes - shorts and a tshirt - and then you weight on Tuesday in jeans and a shirt, you're going to weigh more because your clothes weigh more.

The scale weighs EVERYTHING. So keep that in mind when you choose your time to weigh.
I also choose to weigh first thing in the morning...without clothing and after using the restroom. It's the most consistant this way.