I am an extreme "hard ass" and give myself no "unnecessary" pity; with "nearly" every decision there is a consequence, and if one makes a choice they "know" isnt exactly what they should do, then one wallows in the consequence of the choice made.
I learned a long time ago, that the body can reasonably absorb alot of stress and still function properly and adapt and overcome.
The "only" time I do not train when scheduled is when it is "just not possible" with the circumstances and responsibilities of life for this to happen.
I have trained in the gym after working 12 hours, and knowing I was going to have only 4 hours of sleep after I was done. I have gotten up 2 1/2 hours before work to train, knowing I had 10 to 12 hours of work ahead of me.
When my shift hours changed, I just manipulated my fitness schedule around it. I flat do not make execuse. In my opinion, there is an important disctinction between an execuse and a reason. Fitness is "a part" of my life and I give it priority importance as I would any other elements of life.
I dont have time for the friggen "petty choices" in life that would belittle and/or interfere with my fitness activities. However, I do have time for working with legitimate "reasons" that fall in within the responsibilities of life.
Best wishes