Hi katydidnext
I bought a new pair of work pants in February, 2005 to start a new job.
I weighed 85 kilos and bought from the Big is Beautiful department at Myers.
Lovely pants, with elastic sections in the sides of the waistband, but fitted nicely at the front and across the back.
These are size 16. They were the only pants I had which I didn't bulge over. My stomach dissapeared into the fronts in a very graceful convex curve.
I started Cohen's in February 2006. I wore the pants for as long as I could, eventually wearing a pair of braces from Target which was a lot safer than tripping over the hems and I was very fatigued from hitching the pants all the time.
In May, 2006 I went shopping for my Birthday. From 4th Febrary to 18th May I had gone from 85 kilos to 65 kilos.
I bought a nice pair of size 10 (with side elastic) from the market shop in the main street. These fitted very well until I got to 60 kilos, by which time I had no bottom left and the 'new' pants were ballooning around the BTM and looking like some one else's clothes.
My suggestion is to wear what you have got, buy a pair of braces, and buy size 10 when you get there.
Some people buy on the way down. Fair enough, it is a bit of a jump from size 20 to size 10. I went for the franchise interview in June, 2006 wearing a $400 Fletcher Jones suit which was only 18 months old, and had to say to the interviewer 'Please don't think that I have borrowed the suit for the occasion!' as the jacket was hanging off me and the pants looked like jodphurs!
It would have been nice to have something new on at that interview, but by 24th June I had reached goal of 60 kilos and then went shopping. I went to the next interview wearing tailored size 10 with a delicate knitted top with a very snazzy rose trim, and a new pair of high heeled business shoes.
I called my then 22 year old Daughter in to the bedroom when I was ready to go. I wanted her to see my nice new clothes.
She came into the room, not taking much notice, then stood stock still, started shaking and called out in a really strange voice 'Oh, no, my Mother! What have you done with my Mother! Oh, Mummy! Oh, Mummy! You're so skinny it's really freaky! Where's my Mummy!!!'
This shaking and squealing went on for some minutes. She was really taken aback - she had not seen me in clothes which fitted me since the beginning of the program.
So, you can either go for discretion or for maximum shock value!
Have a great time on the journey, and don't forget the braces from Target!