I need some help on the right supplement to use. I've been taking NO2 and lipo 6 as well as using the abs diet(which is the best by far) and I have lost 21lbs in 3 months and I see a big ifferance. I dropped the lipo 6 because I was told it would hinder the ability on NO2. About a week off the Lipo6 I noticed a big diffirance in my body because of the NO2. I felt great. I've put on 6 pounds since coming off the lipo 6 and I find my self eating alot more. I had no cravings for food while on lipo 6. I need to find a supplement that can control my cravings and not effect what the NO2 is doing for me. Please help. Im in the Army and the NO2 is a must because it really gets me through my hard and long days. But I dont want the body. Help.