What should I use

I need some help on the right supplement to use. I've been taking NO2 and lipo 6 as well as using the abs diet(which is the best by far) and I have lost 21lbs in 3 months and I see a big ifferance. I dropped the lipo 6 because I was told it would hinder the ability on NO2. About a week off the Lipo6 I noticed a big diffirance in my body because of the NO2. I felt great. I've put on 6 pounds since coming off the lipo 6 and I find my self eating alot more. I had no cravings for food while on lipo 6. I need to find a supplement that can control my cravings and not effect what the NO2 is doing for me. Please help. Im in the Army and the NO2 is a must because it really gets me through my hard and long days. But I dont want the body. Help.
The way I took what you said.. is that pretty much when you were on lipo 6, you didn't eat much at all? I know you can't be eating at all on a diet labeled "abs diet." That being said.. getting off of it.. is like the last and final 12th day of a crash diet. You will eat like a hog, and you will gain everything back plus more rapidly. If you are getting 6-8 meals a day.. You should not have cravings.. and if you still are.. than its self control. What does your diet look like as of now. Give us more detail, give us an idea of what your currently eating, and how much of it.

Please start 1 thread referring to the same topic.. 2 will not make your responses any better.. its only an annoyance.
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I recommend you stop wasting your money on NO2.

You probably need to fix your diet if you're lacking energy.
My wife has lost 20lbs in 2 months without lipo6. Hmmmm....

NO2 is just a cosmetic supplment... a fake pump. Usually they come with a free Sharpie so you can draw a 6-pack on your stomach while yer at it.

all you 'need' is good food. if you 'want' to use additional supplements:
fish oil caps
protein powder

and lastly
creatine monohydrate

NO2 is crap
fancy creatine is un-necessary.

and no supplement will work magic, especially if your meal program sucks.
NO2 is just a cosmetic supplment... a fake pump. Usually they come with a free Sharpie so you can draw a 6-pack on your stomach while yer at it.
