What should I take?

Hi, I want to know what vitamins I should take. Here's some info on my self at what times I am able to take vitamins. I have no knowledge on vitamins so I need some help, choosing which ones I should take and such.


Age: 18
Height: 5'9
Weight: 132 pounds. I was originally 108 pounds, but I managed to reach 127 pounds in four months. It's been two months after that and I only reached 132 pounds.

Work-out Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
Work-out Style: Lift as much as I can. 4 sets around 7 reps for most exercises, and higher for others.

Life Style: I am not very active, I spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Other then going to the gym all I do is walk around an hour a day. I do take the gym very seriously, never miss a day, and always do all the exercises and such when I am there.

Supplements: Currently only 2 scoops of Whey protein. I take it with 400mL of 2% milk.

Goal: Gain as much weight (Lean Muscle) as I can. I am shooting for reaching at least 150 pounds, but max of 180 pounds.


I need to know what vitamins I should take I also need to know when I should take them etc.

Because of my schedule I am only able to take vitamins at 12 pm, and 8 pm; but on days I work-out I can take vitamins right before I go to the gym at 5 pm (I drink Whey Protein right after workout at 6:20 pm).

Overall, currently the only supplement I am taking is Whey Protein, but I decided I should start taking vitamins as well to help me increase my weight, given my schedule what vitamins would you all recommend me take?
Muti-vitamins and EFA's (essential fatty acids),, alot of muti-vitamins work just fine. ones that require you to take it though out the day are best but 1 a days are better than nothin :) animal pak, twin labs, NOW, kirkland signiture are all good brands off the top of ma' head.
for EFA's just go fish oil or flax seed oil "NOW suppliments" has some good deals and works fine
thoes are the most important things here
as phaledax said, a multivitamin once a day, and flax/fish oil are both very important.
I would also recommend, depending on your milk intake, to take a calcium//magnesium supplement. the Mg helps the calcium absorption rate, and its also good for the CNS as it is an ion involved in skeletal muscle contraction.

Aside from that, I also take a glucosamine sulfate supplement, but it is hardly necessary, just promotes healthy joints.

I have also read a few articles on cinnamon being beneficial by increasing insulin sensitivity which is very important for building muscle :D
What should I specifically look for in a Multivitamin?
For now I am looking at either taking only 1 type of vitamin, but as many times a day as needed; OR a lot at one time of the day and done.

For the EFAs should I take them as pills? I think I would prefer that more.
Actually I only want just one vitamin, but if an EFA pill will really make a big difference then I will take them as well.

What are the easiest to find and most recommended multivitamins that I should take?
I looked at the list you provided phaledax, but I am unsure of what to choose.

*Remember my goal is to gain weight, but my health is more important so I don't want to get any vitamins that might overlap each other and cause problems etc.*
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About the flax oil.

I bought Fish oil and the pills are huge. I don't want to take them because I almost choked on the second pill.

What is it that I need from these oils? Is it the Omega-3?

Because If it is I can just get a pill that gives Omega-3 instead.
You want fish oil capsules that are enteric coated so you don't get fish burps.

You need to take omega-3 and 6. Your body can synthesize omega-9 because we have the necessary enzymes to do so.

IMHO, fish oil is superior to all other EFAs. Yes, I suppose the capsules are large, but I take 3 of those in one shot plus 3 other humungous capsules full of other good stuff, so if I can swallow 6 pills at once with 2oz of liquid, you can swallow one pill with 8oz of liquid ;)

Try this when taking pills: when you are drinking the liquid to take the pill, bend your head down slightly. The pill(s) will float to the back of your throat and when you swallow, it or they will be the first to go down your throat.

And don't tense up your throat when you're taking pills (automatic reaction for some people). Chill out, relax your throat and enjoy your EFAs :)
you will get used to it, stick with the fish oil, and yes when i started out, could barly swollow the tiny vitamin C, now can take a handfull and down it like a champ, over time you will too.
Where can I get these multivitamins? Such as the "ADAM Superior Men's Multiple Vitamin"

The only one with the most vitamins that I found was Centrum at walgreens and publix. I started taking it this morning. Looking at it's Nutrition info versus ADAM it has A LOT less stuff compared to ADAM.

I will need some time to get used to the huge EFA pills. Apparently fish oil has a chance of causing break outs while flax oil can reduce it after the first two weeks. So I think I will switch to flax because I already have some acne and I don't need more.

Also are there any liquid forms of Flax Oil that I can take instead of the pills. Just for a few weeks or so until I get used to the multivitamins.
you can buy this stuff mostly online, almost ALL good suppliments are obtained only online. otherwise you will see them spuraticly, GNC has some.
here is a place you can buy:

and flax oil :

just so yah know you won't break out if you have a good balance of 3-6-9 omegas, and only some ppl breakout usally on there shoulders and back