What should i order?? please help!


I am going to order through mrsupplement.com.au, and i need some urgent help. I am a bright new newbie to weight training and supplements. I currently only take Ultimate Nutrition iso solution (2x350ml = 4 serves) daily since last Saturday.

My focus goal for the next 3 months is too:
- Lose weight (88kg) another 5-6 kilos. lost 5-6kg so far in 3 months
- Build muscles and tone up

I initially cut out all junk food / sweet food (which was ALOT) for 3 months, and started to eat healthy from Monday trying to get alot of proteins with the shakes helping me as a bonus to make up for the required intake.

What i want using supplements:
- I want more energy in my workouts to be able to life more!!
- I want to reach my daily 200g intake (will also use natural food ofcourse)
- I want to feel more healthy in general

Hydroxycut hardcut (morning / afternoon)
Optimum Micronized Creatine (pre workout)
Optimum 100% Whey Gold Standard (morning & postworkout)
Optimum 100% Casein (night time)

Would taking too many supplements affect results? would it make me too fat taking all four? Do you have different recommendation / opinions on what to take?

please help asap, i want a monthly supply. Please suggest me what sizes and serves i should also take. Thanks for reading and advice!!

edit- please also recommend me multi vitamins
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If you are brand new to this, I wouldn't suggest any supplements.

Eat right

Work out


You're not at the point to begin experimenting with supplements yet.
A little coffee just prior to working out will help for energy. I agree that supps for a newbie are not going to have much effect. They come in handy when trying to get off that last bit of fat... single digit bodyfat type -If you need appetite control I suggest some chromium picolinate which helps regulate blood sugar. I don't know squat about creatine, I don't use it because the bloat it causes upsets me too much. It can be effective but it doesn't work on everyone. I don't think you need to bother at this point. It might bloat you and make you feel fat- that is discouraging when trying to lose weight.

If you have a lot of bodyfat, keep the shakes to after workout only. One a day, you need real food mostly. Shakes aren't going to do much to stave off hunger. Take it from me. :D Good luck!

Build the habits that will make your body GREAT, you got the good advice above- rest, good nutrition and giving it all you have at the gym. Feel good and be proud!
If you are brand new to this, I wouldn't suggest any supplements.

Eat right

Work out


You're not at the point to begin experimenting with supplements yet.

you are probably right, but i still need my supplements to get the required daily protein with my carb in my diet.