Weight-Loss What should i Eat?



New member
Hi, i just want to get some advice about my eating diet.

well first,i don't eat vegetables, im not sure if this is a eating disorder but i just don't like them, since i was a kid.
I also RARELY eat junk foods, chocolates, ice cream and sodas which is a good thing i guess.

here's what i eat daily

-Instant Noodles and bread OR
-Fried Food with rice OR
-2 Sandwiches (ham and eggs)

-Most of time i eat fried foods (sausages,burgers,chicken nuggets,eggs,corn beef etc.)
with 2 cups of rice

-Same as my lunch

SNACKS: during lunch dinner
-fruit: madarin,apples,bannanas OR
( but i often eat apples sometimes 3 times a day)
-very often i eat popcorn/corn chips/fries

please can someone give me an advice? on what should i eat? and also want to know how much calorie should i burn? (Im MALE, 20 yrs/old, 5'11, about 160 kgs)

please help i really want to change. thanks!
well..I would try to find vegs you can like, if for no other reason as they will help you lose weight..but it is hard to tell you what to eat. Instead, just need to look at what you are eating and learn moderation. I suggest a food diary for a week. write all you eat down and after a week, you can look back and make adjustments.
I think it'd a be a good idea to cut down on fried food. instead try grilling your chicken and boiling your sausages.
Also look into baked potatoes, soups, grilled fish, brown rice. Since I'm not sure of your weight, height, age or gender and how much you exercise it's pretty hard to suggest the amount. Personally I always try to aim for a good breakfast - egg, toast, green tea and a fruit or cornflakes with fruit and tea. Then lunch would be either a salad and meat or rice or maybe sometimes a small bowl of pasta with tomato sauce. Dinner would usually be something similar but i enjoy having some soup at night at it keeps me really cosy.
I'd suggest replacing popcorn and crisps with low cal snacks such as various fruits or those corn barn thingies. Good luck!
I've lost 6.5 kgs on diet, this is what you should eat

* Egg whites with 1–2 whole eggs for flavor (or, if organic, 2–5 whole eggs, including yolks)
* Chicken breast or thigh
* Beef (preferably grass-fed)
* Fish Pork Legumes
* Lentils (also called “dal” or “daal”)
* Black beans
* Pinto beans
* Red beans
* Soybeans


* Spinach
* Mixed vegetables (including broccoli, cauliflower, or any other cruciferous vegetables)
* Sauerkraut, kimchee (full explanation of these later in “Damage Control”
* Asparagus
* Peas
* Green beans
* Onions
* Peppers
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