Sport What should I eat to bulk - Bigger arms and not be fat

Sport Fitness
Hi guys, I want a meal plan i can stick with to gain bigger arms pretty much, get big?
I'm 16 years old, (17 next month). I used to weigh 85, but lost 15kg in 5 weeks so now my CURRENT weight is about 73kg.
I'm about 183cm tall, i train 4-5 times a week using weights up to 8-12 reps 3 sets full body training. I don't want to be fat, just want to be more broad if you get me. If i can get a diet plan and the best PROTEIN SHAKE to buy for this?
Thanks :)
Me and my friends like Myofusion. I'm not affiliated with them, but I have had good results with this product in the past. Also the flavours are unreal. However costco does sell protein powder for 30-40$. I'm not sure how good it is, but it definitely the cost-effective option.

In order to bulk, I would be focusing heavily on carbs and protein. If your lifting as much as you are, it will be nearly impossible to get fat regardless of what your putting in your system. Canned tuna, and precooked chicken breast are cheap options and really be incorporated into many different meals. While whole-grain rice is one of my favourite options, there are many other that have incredible side benefits. Look into quinoa, or coosecoose (spelling?). As a lazy college student I find making stir fries to be the easiest/cheapest method for a balanced meal. Not to mention you can eat it for left-overs.

Last thing, don't only eat one type of food. You will get sick of it very quickly. Keep mixing it up. Try something new everyweek.

Find your BMR (Basal metabolic rate). Add a 200-500 calorie surplus.

Count calories from apps or online.

Make sure you hit your required macros for each day. Just make sure you eat plenty of meat, and milk.
Counting calories is just a godawful time, if you ask me. I know my ballpark and will stick to it.

You won't find anyone able to give you a diet plan (or willing, really, since it's so time consuming). However, yes, you should increase your protein intake from your whole foods first. If you're trying to gain muscle mass, then you should be consuming at least 2g per kg of your body weight per day.

You shouldn't overlook your fat intake. Eating fat will not make you put on fat, so you can do away with that myth. It will be vital for overall health and recovery though.

And..there's really no such thing as the "best" protein powder. You have different types of protein, (whey, cassein, etc.), blends, isolates, or mixtures which combine different proteins and (mostly BS) "enhancing" ingredients or whatever words they use to market it. Just go with plain or flavoured whey protein, which is the norm for most people. If you're intolerant to the lactose, then get a whey isolate. Brands don't matter. I buy what's on sale.
Counting calories is just a godawful time, if you ask me. I know my ballpark and will stick to it.

Takes me about 5 minutes a day...