What should I eat That's high in Protein But Very low in fat?


New member
I want to start getting more protein Cause I'm TIRED of not being Healthy and I'm slowly gaining Weight Which I don't want. I'm going to start working out intensely And I know i need Protein. Wait do I? What about carbs? I'm confused.

Please tell me What's the best to eat for the energy and Power I'll need because I'm gonna live off Raw fruits and veggies for a while. I really want this extra weight Off! THANKS!!
There is no need to go as extreme like just raw fruits and veggies. You just need to look at your calorie count and portion sizes. There are plenty of good protien items like fish, salmon, chicken among other things. Don't go too far in the wrong direction.
what u mean Wrong Direction? Eating Fruits and Veggies Is good from what i saw. Yeah I'm gonna keep small portions on the foods that are not Fruits and veggies... thanks for the advice though I'll surely eat fish often :)
You gotta understand you can pretty much eat anything you want and still lose weight. The key is moderation. As long as you are creating a calorie deficit each week, it'll come off. The danger of eating only eating a couple types of food is that you will soon be inclined to binge on everything you cut out. Aside from that, you'll get bored and probably miserable. To answer your question, turkey breast is high in protein and low in fat. (At least that's what the Biggest Loser always says)
When you do make the switch to primarily whole foods (such as your raw fruits and veggies), something you should eat plenty of if you are concerned about your protein intake is legumes such as pinto beans and peas, both with great protein content and low fat, though other legumes such as peanuts and soy should not be overlooked simply because of fat as the fats they contain are mostly healthy fats that are beneficial to your body. In fact, soy is a great source of a complete protein (complete because it provides significant amounts of all the essential amino acids your body cannot produce on its own), making tofu very popular in a vegan diet.

As far as your energy demands are concerned look to carbohydrates to get the necessary energy to make it through an intense workout the following day.
If you're really going raw food (and I'm not a fan of 100% raw food myself) then protein is important. Sprouts are a decent source or proteins. Nuts are another raw source.

However, if you really want more then you should consider 1) lean meats, like chicken breast etc. I don't recommend them raw, unless you go for sashimi ... Mmmm, maguro. Shrimp (again I don't recommend raw) are another good source. You can also get whey protein that's cold filtered - although I don't know if it's truly unpasteurized. Egg whites are also pure protein - again, if you can eat them raw, more power to you ;)

If you're set on a raw vegetarian diet, then sprouts & nuts are your best options, but I think 90% raw is healthier than 100%.