What should I do to define my abs more (aka 6-pack)?

Ive been working out, running, and have adjusted my diet for about 2 months now to strengthen my abs. I have seen great improvements, yet recently it seems that I have hit a wall. My abs are a lot stronger and defined, but I can't seem to get them to a 6-pack. I'm wondering if I need to adjust my diet more to hit that mile-marker or just keep up with the exercise and it will come eventually.

I eat 4 meals a day, lots of eggs and lettuce, only meat is chicken and fish with snacks of fruit. I lift 4 days a week for 30 min and run 2-3 days a week for 45 min. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
if you really wanna get a 6 pack you gotta hit the abs hard, and not just focus on your abs, but your entire core section. running wont do match in terms of getting you a 6 pack, but here is a quick routine i do

ceiling press with weight: lay on your back heels to your butt arms above your head with weight in hand, press to the ceiling. now you dont wanna lift with your neck you will strain it. lift with your shoulders

next do a reverse crunch.

then do side crunches: feet at your butt, your going to sit up and twist

then elbow to knees: bring your knees to your chest and your going to basically be doing a bicycle.

then plank for 1 min
side plank 30 sec
other side 30 sec

do sets of like 3-4 reps 20-25. when doing the crunches you dont have to come all the way up.

if you have any questions please ask. ill be posting this ab routine on my website soon in video
Sorry loop but all the crunches and ab work in the workd won't give anyone a six pack.

Diet is the key.

Op - Get your diet perfect. Cut out the 45 minute runs and switch to HIIT. Sprints. and Tabata work.
True Six Packs require 3 main element. Regular exercise, healthy nutrition, and adequate rest. flexfitness.net is a great website that offers amazing abdominal workouts plus many nutrition tips.

Checkout their Complete Abdominal Workout: flexfitness.net/Flex_Fitness/Flex_Abdominal_Workout