What should be the diet of a person with chronic kidney disease?

I think that the best person to ask would be the consultant dealing with the case.

I would be wary of advice given on computer forums because we tend to be normal people like yourself who maybe have spent years battling with their own weight related issues...

If in your shoes - I would be inclined to check the internet to see if there was any advice that appeared to be from a reputable source... That would be worth considering and taking to discuss with your consultant.
For example -

I notice that it gives the following advice regarding protein:

Low-protein diets may be helpful before you start dialysis. Your doctor or dietitian may recommend a moderate-protein diet (1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day).

Once you start dialysis, you will need to eat more protein. A high-protein diet with fish, poultry, pork, or eggs at every meal may be recommended. This will help you replace muscles and other tissues that you lose.

People on dialysis should eat 8 - 10 ounces of high-protein foods each day. Your doctor, dietitian, or nurse may suggest adding egg whites, egg white powder, or protein powder.

Maybe your hospital / consultant has a website which gives information too. This for example is the website from my husband's consultant urologist.

I must emphasise that I am NOT a medical professional.

Good luck.
Remember that weight loss is about calories. As long as the calories are in place, the composition of the diet doesn't really matter that much. Having said that, if you have a medical condition such as kidney disease, it should be your doctor who determines the composition of the diet and any other specifics. You really should be discussing that with him, and not on a forum.
Normally, for kidney disease, the diet should be low on salt and fat. Your doctor could suggest a good renal dietician who specialises in kidney-friendly diet. All the best for your treatment.
Number one, I would have to politely disagree that the composition of a diet doesn't matter as long as the calories are low enough. There are certain foods that cause inflammation, toxicity, water retention, etc. that definitely promotes fat storage. Similarly, there are foods that soothe inflammation, help flush out toxins, and otherwise encourage fat loss. Now, as for as your diet with your kidney disease and your protein needs, you should consult a professional dietician or nutritionist about that matter. If you haven't already, you and your doctor should pinpoint the cause of your disease. If it's determined that it's caused by something like high blood sugar or high blood pressure, then it only makes sense to construct your diet around easing those conditions. But as I said before, this is really something to leave up to a professional. Wishing you well :)
A diet is very essential for our body, for every disease there is a particular diet for them. Protein is the most important thing that you should take, Phosphorus is a mineral which builds up as the blood as kidney failure progresses. Eat fresh and green vegetables, fruit juice is also a good option.
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Refined or white sugar is supposed to be the worst food for your kidneys. Because it stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas, and that stimulates calcium excretion through the urine.

Acid forming foods are also not the best, liker red meat.

Very good kidney foods would be asparagus, garlic, horseradish, parsley, cucumber, apples, kale, turnip, mango, watermelon

By the way, that weight loss would only be about calories is an outdated concept.