what routine gave you your biggest gains?

just wondering-
what workout program have you made your biggest gains in muscle, strength, or power?
success in fat loss for that matter.
im curious as to what people have been having success using.
I do exercise DVDs and never used the weights for ab work. Within a couple of weeks of using them, i developed real, visable stomach muscles!
No, but when I was on the schedule I would lift 4-5 times a week. Doing so nearly destroyed my life. No lie...I almost got kicked out of my house for taking training more seriously than anything else.

That programming is a home-wrecker.
muscle, strength

Strongman training. I used a hybrid style of training that worked the strongman events into a conjugate style training template. It worked great. I gained huge strength without any injuries.

I have a feeling that a person would have to reach a certain training level to get great results training that way though.

Throwing training right now. With jumps and other power type training. Kettle bell training is currently helping as well.

I think I could increase power a lot more, the current training is not a program yet, just a string of things that get trained. I am working on building the throwing training into a more efficient conjugate training system as well. Just have not found the right way to do it yet.

success in fat loss for that matter

My nutrition was dialed in on this one as well.

Lots of cardio here. 30-45min of slow cardio every day. Staying under my anaerobic threshold, with the goal to increase aerobic efficiency.

Intense cardio 3X per week. Spiking over my anaerobic threshold to increase AT. 20-30 min.

Lifting was fast and intense with little care for the amount of weight lifted. I would start with 2 or 3 core lifts. Then work into a circuit.

A lunge type circuit for lower body. This would be something like front, side, rotating, and reverse lunges repeated for an amount of time. Or squat, lunge, RDL, good morning circuit with a sandbag.

A push-up and shoulder circuit for upper body. Something like push-ups, pull-ups, body weight rows, front raises, side raises, rear delt raises, external rotations. Again this would be repeated for time.

Lifting might have been done 2 or 3 days per week. 30 min or so.

JJ and MT was done 3-4 days per week.

I cut 130lbs in 9 months doing that.
having great progress doing oly style lifting every other day now. Of course, I've had some plateaus, like you've seen in my log, but overall progress has been very good. specially on squats.
here's the routine:
After doing a split routine at 3x10 for a few years, I switched to a FBW 3x a week at 5x5. I got the routine out of an issue of Men's Health.

Routine: Monday- Squat, Incline Bench, Pull-up, Weighted Sit-up; Wednesday- Hang Clean, Deadlift, Dips, External Rotation; Friday- Front Squat, Dumbbell Bench Press, Bent-over Row, Back Extensions.

I haven't experienced gains in size or strength like I did under this routine, though I believe it is more a factor of being dedicated to the routine and eating enough.
5x5 has given me the best gains ever. Its the only set/rep scheme that I can recall that actually progressed me really well. I just got back into it and I am using it for my Military press and ATG Squats.
Upper lower split for me. Nothing beats it for me however I am currently getting into my strongman and bodyweight training more.
im doing th3 5x5 intermediate version now and it is very fun. i am also using atg squats ftw :D

however, 20 rep squats have given me the biggest most noticable gains ever with the cost of very hard work
i started a 2 day split (push/pull) which is done 2 times per week which means I workout 4 days per week. I'm seeing great gains from it, both strength and size. I was previously on a 4 day split which wasn't as sucessful as the 2 day split.