What Percentage of People Have BAD FORM?

I know there isn't an actual statistic on this (though I wish there were), but from your experience how many people do you see lifting incorrectly when you go to the gym on a day-to-day basis? Whether it be using dumbells or machines?

Personally, I can honestly say AT LEAST 50% of the people at my gym do some of their lifts incorrectly, if not all of them.

Just curious to see what everyone else thinks.

Really hard to say... also depends on how picky you are. I'd say that at least 90% of my clients have poor posture (to varying degrees), so if they don't have proper posture to begin with, then technically they are not lifting 'properly'. If we are just talking about obvious lack of knowledge of proper technique, then 50% is probably a decent, if conservative, estimate.
BAD form? At least 50%. Mediocre form? Probably another 40%. Form that's pretty good but could be better? Pretty much everyone remaining.