hello - a bit of background info..
i've always been a skinny person who could eat what they want but recently i have put on a fair bit of weight in a pretty short space of time (for me). i've gained around 9.5kg in 6 months. ordinarily i could lose weight very easily if i felt the need but now my metabolism has just crashed.
the biggest thing i am struggling with at the moment is lower belly fat. i'm 5'11, 24, currently 75kg and very pear shaped - i don't normally gain weight in my stomach, primarily my thighs and butt, but now my stomach juts out quite sharply at the bottom and i am really struggling to lose any weight. i look like i've recently had a baby, but i haven't.
i've been to the doctor, who just told me to persevere with my diet and exercise and drop my calories even lower. she palpated my stomach which was all normal, and bloods/urine came back normal. i've also just had a smear test which was clear. i cycle between having an upset stomach and being constipated. i sometimes get a stomach ache after eating but i've never pinpointed a certain food/food group to be the culprit. i don't experience bloating. there's definitely a layer of fat there but underneath, my lower stomach is hard.
View attachment 25884View attachment 25886
in terms of exercise i go to the gym 4-5 mornings a week before work. i always work out fasted. i primarily do 25-30 mins walking on the highest incline on the treadmill or rowing/bike, followed by lifting moderately heavy weights for another 25-30 mins. i try to incorporate a lot of supersets or circuits.
diet-wise i realistically get 3-4 servings of fruit & veg a day (this is something i'm working on trying to improve). i try to get 100g of protein and my calories are around 1500. i eat carbs/fat intuitively and try to be balanced in my consumption of meat and dairy.
i've been trying to lose weight for around 9 weeks now and have lost 1lb so far, i'm at my wits end as to why i can't lose weight! particularly in my lower stomach, and particularly as i have never had problems with weight before! i'm paranoid that there is something underlying causing this
any advice would be greatly appreciated, i feel like i've rambled on but let me know if you need any further info
i've always been a skinny person who could eat what they want but recently i have put on a fair bit of weight in a pretty short space of time (for me). i've gained around 9.5kg in 6 months. ordinarily i could lose weight very easily if i felt the need but now my metabolism has just crashed.
the biggest thing i am struggling with at the moment is lower belly fat. i'm 5'11, 24, currently 75kg and very pear shaped - i don't normally gain weight in my stomach, primarily my thighs and butt, but now my stomach juts out quite sharply at the bottom and i am really struggling to lose any weight. i look like i've recently had a baby, but i haven't.
i've been to the doctor, who just told me to persevere with my diet and exercise and drop my calories even lower. she palpated my stomach which was all normal, and bloods/urine came back normal. i've also just had a smear test which was clear. i cycle between having an upset stomach and being constipated. i sometimes get a stomach ache after eating but i've never pinpointed a certain food/food group to be the culprit. i don't experience bloating. there's definitely a layer of fat there but underneath, my lower stomach is hard.
View attachment 25884View attachment 25886
in terms of exercise i go to the gym 4-5 mornings a week before work. i always work out fasted. i primarily do 25-30 mins walking on the highest incline on the treadmill or rowing/bike, followed by lifting moderately heavy weights for another 25-30 mins. i try to incorporate a lot of supersets or circuits.
diet-wise i realistically get 3-4 servings of fruit & veg a day (this is something i'm working on trying to improve). i try to get 100g of protein and my calories are around 1500. i eat carbs/fat intuitively and try to be balanced in my consumption of meat and dairy.
i've been trying to lose weight for around 9 weeks now and have lost 1lb so far, i'm at my wits end as to why i can't lose weight! particularly in my lower stomach, and particularly as i have never had problems with weight before! i'm paranoid that there is something underlying causing this
any advice would be greatly appreciated, i feel like i've rambled on but let me know if you need any further info