What makes an "expert"?

I've got an idea in my head for the reason for this question... and I've sort of talked about it in the Make this forum better thread... Because I'm really looking to make this particular forum better - and offer expert advice..

I'm having trouble articulating my question...

But, I ask this question of the forum members - What makes an expert?

Calling myself an expert doesnt make me an expert. I've lost almost 180lbs but that doesn't make me an expert in weight loss... any more than having letters after a person's name makes them an expert.

A definition of expert is
A person with a high degree of skill in or knowledge of a certain subject.

How does a person prove their "expertness" to you? Granted, all advice should be taken with a grain of salt, but how does a person demonstrate to you that their advice is worth taking?
Hmmm, excellent question.

I guess my take is this. There's a difference between an expert and an expert that can apply his/her expertise.

IMO, an expert's worthless around here unless he/she is able to present their advice in a way that the person looking for advice can find utility in.

Knowing facts and figures is one thing.

Being able to help someone is another.

I'm not sure there's a way to decipher who's an expert and who isn't though. There are plenty of people around here who call themselves experts that I wouldn't take advice from if you paid me.

ETA what I said in the other thread:

What initiation might that be, lol?

I saw the question.... I just don't think you'll find an answer.

Hell, the training industry in general can't decipher boob from quality.

I think an expert can give quality advice and back it up. If someone is claiming expertise yet spewing crap.... better believe you're going to get called on it.

Not saying *real* experts are never wrong and it's good to question ANYONE. But I'm sure you all know what I mean. We get a lot of people in here claiming expertise yet they're spitting one myth after another about optimal training/nutrition.

To me, it's not hard to tell who knows their stuff and who doesn't.
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The more I think about this... an expert is someone who not only does the basics necessary to have an understanding of the scientific foundations of the body and nutrition, and how to apply them to large spectrums of individuals.... but they also stay on top of current research and continue to learn.

A real expert understands that he/she doesn't know everything and will never know everything. The fakes seem to *think* they know everything but truth be told, they got their degree or they got their certification, and that's where the learning stopped. Then they put their "supertrainer" cape on and started preaching. Just my opinion of course, but that's what it seems to me.

That said, maybe one way of figuring out who truly helps people reach their goals around here is establish a way of having members vote you in as an expert? I don't know, just a thought.

I'd like to add that I don't think I'd like to be considered an expert. I tend to avoid labels. Especially ones that carry certain connotations.
That said, maybe one way of figuring out who truly helps people reach their goals around here is establish a way of having members vote you in as an expert? I don't know, just a thought.
this reasoning is why i think i asked - Who and why would you take advice from someone...

What makes one person's advice more sound than others?
I don't agree with the vote. Because, only those who have seen every post of every member could truly give a solid "vote" on who is and who isn't an expert. You can't just look at a few of someones post and decide.
this reasoning is why i think i asked - Who and why would you take advice from someone...

What makes one person's advice more sound than others?

Pretty simple in my mind.

1. Did the individual teach you something?

2. Was that something useful and applicable to your individual circumstances?

3. And most importantly, did it help you move closer towards your goal?

I'm sure you can add more.
I don't agree with the vote. Because, only those who have seen every post of every member could truly give a solid "vote" on who is and who isn't an expert. You can't just look at a few of someones post and decide.

It would have to be based on whether or not the person helped you in totality. Not just spit some information at you.... but did it help move you closer to your goals.

And there really isn't a way to do that I'm sure.

As I said originally, there isn't a way to decipher expert from non.

The industry can't do it, there's no way this board can.

Most forums, including this one, has it's own self-regulating system. If you come in preaching, great. If the info is solid, even better. Welcome to the community.

If the info is crap, there are enough people around here whom do know their stuff and hopefully their wise enough, for the benefit of the entire membership, to call bullshit when they see it.
Yea, but deciphering one from a stooge isn't easy still. I think self-regulation is the only feasible way to go about it.
Agreed Steve, I think its up to those "in the know" that are trusted around here to regulate others who seem or want to be "in the know".
I'll add that I believe that Leigh and Tony deserve to be moderators of the forum. Could there be more? Certainly.
Trevor, I know.

I was agreeing with them being in the position that they are here. The harsh truth is their section, if I'm not mistaken.
seriously guys next time better sleep cause this argument rates very low on the hatin scale ;)

I am going to wage in on this am perhaps I may ruffle some feathers, but I would like to state that my end goal in mind is for an overall better quality of information. So please let's let that be understood.

When I first started coming to this forum, I think we can all agree that the level of advice floating around was for the most part boarding on dangerous. Had it not be for Steve and then Tony trying to wangle some more people in I think it would still be riding on that path. That being said I fill that for the most part The Harsh Truth section isn't succeeding to its full ability because to many non professionals and higher educated posters on health and fitness are replying or "experts" come in to try and spam the board a few times and battle with you because they just got a new shinny cert.

I actually really love posting here but my time has become a lot more limited. I simply don't have the time to wade through post after post of the person that needs advice, providing them with the right advice, and then having to tell them oh that advice given previous to you was wrong. That is why I usually only respond to a thread when no one else has yet and if you notice when Tony, Steve, or Trevor do the same and get to a thread first it is usually a pretty short lived thread. We get to the point of the problem, we attack it, and just like that, the poster is helped. If you look at the threads where someone starts off with "well I don't know much but..." you end up getting all the wrong info and this section loses what it is supposed to be about.

I wish they we could implement a system to where the only ones who can reply to posts in this section are the "resident pros" and all other replies would be deleted. After all this is Harsh Truth, it does have a particular purpose. In the other sections we can fight the battle if we have the time, but in here I just don't have the time, but I would really like to contribute more.

As far as picking the resident pro I say take it into a moderator vote. Mods automatically can post there and if someone else showed that they had the knowledge and stuck around long enough (someone like Trevor M.) to be a help in other sections then they would get a "resident pro pass" and The Harsh Truth section might actually serve the purpose it was meant to. In my opinion it isn't right now.
seriously guys next time better sleep cause this argument rates very low on the hatin scale ;)

I wasn't hatin anyone really.

Promise. :)

I am going to wage in on this am perhaps I may ruffle some feathers, but I would like to state that my end goal in mind is for an overall better quality of information. So please let's let that be understood.

When I first started coming to this forum, I think we can all agree that the level of advice floating around was for the most part boarding on dangerous. Had it not be for Steve and then Tony trying to wangle some more people in I think it would still be riding on that path. That being said I fill that for the most part The Harsh Truth section isn't succeeding to its full ability because to many non professionals and higher educated posters on health and fitness are replying or "experts" come in to try and spam the board a few times and battle with you because they just got a new shinny cert.

I actually really love posting here but my time has become a lot more limited. I simply don't have the time to wade through post after post of the person that needs advice, providing them with the right advice, and then having to tell them oh that advice given previous to you was wrong. That is why I usually only respond to a thread when no one else has yet and if you notice when Tony, Steve, or Trevor do the same and get to a thread first it is usually a pretty short lived thread. We get to the point of the problem, we attack it, and just like that, the poster is helped. If you look at the threads where someone starts off with "well I don't know much but..." you end up getting all the wrong info and this section loses what it is supposed to be about.

I wish they we could implement a system to where the only ones who can reply to posts in this section are the "resident pros" and all other replies would be deleted. After all this is Harsh Truth, it does have a particular purpose. In the other sections we can fight the battle if we have the time, but in here I just don't have the time, but I would really like to contribute more.

As far as picking the resident pro I say take it into a moderator vote. Mods automatically can post there and if someone else showed that they had the knowledge and stuck around long enough (someone like Trevor M.) to be a help in other sections then they would get a "resident pro pass" and The Harsh Truth section might actually serve the purpose it was meant to. In my opinion it isn't right now.

Maybe the harsh truth section does more harm than good unless things change.

Just a thought for everyone.