What kinda workouts should i do to help increase performance in running?

I like to do 5km runs every once in a while. I know that it's mostly quads and calves helping out the quads being exercised in a run.

I noticed my calves always gave out a earlier than my legs so i started upping up my calves training and now they are pretty good.

But I wanna strengthen it more and plus i wanna jack up my hamstrings.

I still workout my quads but i wanna focus more on hams and calves.

Anything suggestable?

I heard that running backwards strenghtens ur calves ... TRUE?
Good Mornings will strengthen your hamstrings. For college cross country we focused on Good Mornings for our hamstrings. For calves, I found that simple strengthening exercises they taught me in the training room really helped my calves. Do your normal calf raises with feet forward, then angle your toes in and complete a set, then angle your toes out and complete a set. 30 raises each direction 3 times. I had to do them everyday for awhile. Also, using something like a thera band and tying the ends to something sturdy (couch or bed)...then put the loop around your waiste and walk backwards on your toes focusing on slow and controlled steps as far as you can until the bands resistance stops you...then very controlled, walk forward on your toes to starting positions. Do that 20 times. These are things they taught us in the training room, mainly strengthening for performance and injury prevention. They really help!