Weight-Loss What kind of protein or energy bars should I buy?



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I was looking at energy bars and protein supplements at my local grocery store the other day and just felt overwhelmed with them all, and I was wondering if someone could help me. I've been going to the gym three times a week for about a month now (I was going in fall for a couple months, but some stuff got in the way), and I'm interested in adding some kind of supplement to my routine.

Here's an idea of what my workout consists of: two days a week I do 20-30min of cardio and then another 30min or so of weight training. Then on Saturday's I go for a good jog/power walk around my area (usually a good 5-7mi) and then go to the gym for weight training. Keep in mind I'm not training for the World's Strongest Man Competition. I'm just trying to tone my body, lose some fat, and build a little muscle.

So my overall question is, what kind of bars and/or drinks can I buy that will work well with my workout? Also, when should consume them? I'm looking for something relatively inexpensive (like $1/bar). Thanks so much everyone!!
I am not sure where you can find a bar that is really cheap but here are the things you need to pay attention to:

- How many protein are in the bar? The more, the better of course. I believe that a good proteinbar contains an average of 20 to 25 grams of protein.

- They also need to contain as less sugar as possible.

- How many carbs are in the bar. If you really want to lose some weight, it is better to take a bar with not that much carbs in it. If you want to build muscle and mass, you really need the carbs so you can pay less attention to it.

- How big is the bar. You have bars for in between meals and meal replacement bars. I do not prefer to take such bars as a meal replacer but you need to take them on top of your regular nutrition. But I believe that is what you intend when I read your post. So just read the label well and buy the one with the most protein in it and as low in sugar as possible. The amount of carbs is something you need to decide for yourself, depending on the kind of "diet" and sportschedule you are.

Oh and remember, often suger is cheaper then good quality protein so it may be that the cheap bars are a lot "unthealthier" then the more expensive bars.