What kind of exercises can I do with a really sore muscle?Something not hard on legs?


New member
Last Thursday I feel my muscle to the right , right above where my upper thigh starts like where my pelvis is, started feeling really really sore and hurt, also my knee a little too. I been exercising alot, doing alot of cardio like taebo and bootcamp classes at my gym and it was the next day after an intense hour long bootcamp session where this muscle was aching bad. I been treating it with hot & cold compression since Friday and it does feel a bit better but not 100%

I really want to start exercising again (i HATE not working out) but I know I read that I should stay off it for a few days which i have been, for it to heel bc I dont want to cause more damage

SOO my question is are their any exercises I can do until it feels 100%??? Something that wont put alot of pressure on my leg until its better??

Thanks for reading and answering :)
I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, so take what I say with a pinch of salt (or wait until someone who knows more about this shows up), but depending on the type of injury, I'd cautiously suggest swimming, as it's minimal impact and you're not "on" it as such. But don't just take my word for it, and be careful. It's better to have a few days off than to have to have weeks or months off by making something worse.
Last Thursday I feel my muscle to the right , right above where my upper thigh starts like where my pelvis is, started feeling really really sore and hurt, also my knee a little too.

Hmm... my humble opinion is that you should rest. Just stretch daily, soak in a warm bath with Epsom salt and massage your legs. I used to get that same feeling. It ran from right from my pelvic bone through my thigh and ended at but included my knee. Trying to exercise because I was scared I wouldn't lose weight if I didn't only made things worst and it was silly of me to think that way.

You don't want to hurt yourself even more and then not be able to do anything what so ever.
swimming is usually good, but waiting till you heal is the best thing of all. Weight loss is more about the diet than any exercise, healing is more important than trying to burn an extra couple calories.