Sport What kind of diet should I be on?

Sport Fitness
So, a lot of changes in my life lately. I'm excited about where it's going, career-wise, relationship-wise, etc. There is one thing I still have yet to work on and that is my body. I started jogging a couple nights ago, which I realize can't hurt, but I have no idea what I should be eating to go along with that.

I'm 22, approx 5'8"-5'9" and about 275 lbs. Unfortunately I work in an environment where I sit at a computer all-day-long. I have a lot of leg muscle (genetics I suppose, also used to be a lot bigger when I played soccer/football), but my upper body is horrible (flabbity flab). I used to play sports and have always loved lifting and plan to once I get a gym membership, I have a couple weights right now such as a bench, etc but it's not right sufficient equipment for the lifting I want to do. Either way, I'm going to lift and jog, the latter of which I am currently doing.

I am having trouble deciding upon what I should be eating. I've checked out different links on here and am still unsure. My desire is to obviously lose weight, and build my upper body.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks :)
don't 'go on a diet'.
your diet is just what you eat, and right now it sucks (because you're overweight)

rather, change your existing diet, in a permanent way you can stick with.
read LV's Grocery List - for a list of what you should be eating.

how much to eat, and how another vastly more detailed subject.
Dr. John Berardi, Ph.D. is a good place to read too.
youre right, i didnt specify. i meant changing it in a permanent way.

my main question was, i know what kind of foods to eat and where to get info on what has what in it, but i was wondering, to my current weight and my daily routine, how much is ideal? like around so-so carbs, etc.

sorry i didnt specify more clearly.