Weight-Loss what is your take on coffee?

Coffee has it's ups and its down!

I enjoy my caffeine coffee in the mornings. If I don't drink coffee or tea with caffeine in the mornings, I will sleep all day and all night most of the time. But I prefer coffee over tea first thing in the morning. I don't drink caffeine after noon unless I have a little drink of Pepsi. Also drinking a little caffeine is good if you have chronic migraines and I do. I used to eat a spoon of raw coffee every time mom made her coffee, the old fashion way on top of the stove.

I stopped drinking coffee last Wednesday after reading that coffee played a part in losing weight. Something about it helped in storing fat in your body. But I started back drinking my coffee Sunday. My weight is the same. UP and down!! So going to go to the kitchen and fix my coffee.
I generally have at least one cup of coffee per day, usually with some skimmed milk. Like everything else, I can't see it being detrimental to your efforts if consumed in moderation.
mmm...caffeine ...i think I would marry caffeine if I could...

I know your question is about coffee, but caffeine in excess is not healthy. It's bad for your heart, blood pressure, reproductive system, and a whole list of other things. However, like everything in life- moderation is key.

Coffee is actually not that bad...it's really what you put in it. The cream, sugar, chocolate syrup, whipped cream....that's where it becomes unhealthy. i would say though, that a cup of black coffee shouldn't be unhealthy in terms of calories.

As for me...I'm trying to cut out caffeine...I use to be a big morning coffee drinker (black, 1 sugar), but my major caffeine comes from soda...

What do you put in your coffee Tob? :)
Mmmm chocolate syrup.

Hehe, I'm not a huge coffee drinker. I do get caffeine every day - I went 6 months without it at one point, but it just wasn't worth it. Especially since I'm a hereditary migraine sufferer, and caffeine helps.

I normally only have 1 or 2 coffees or a glass of ice tea. Diet sodas are more rare.

Mmm, chocolate syrup in the coffee... the freakin' white mocha at Starbucks is awesome, but I haven't had one in over a year now... I need to finish my cut phase so I can bulk already! ;)

Anyway, my take is that caffeine is fine for weight loss in moderation, but you don't need extreme amounts of caffeine and it may even be bad for you (although I'm not sure if it really is - but you don't need 10 cups of coffee a day, especially if you're adding cream and sugar to every cup)
I drink about a cup of coffee every other day. I drink it black so there's no extra sugar, milk, cream etc which makes it a little healthier.
I'm a loose tea drinker.
I have had coffee in many ways and by many people and bought from different companies...I just don't think I like it.

I've heard good and bad things about coffee. It's a give n' take kind of thing I think. Coffee in moderation shouldn't be so bad. (it's the same thing they say about tea but I drink it every single day three times a day lol)
I'm a loose tea drinker.
I have had coffee in many ways and by many people and bought from different companies...I just don't think I like it.

I've heard good and bad things about coffee. It's a give n' take kind of thing I think. Coffee in moderation shouldn't be so bad. (it's the same thing they say about tea but I drink it every single day three times a day lol)

I'm a big green tea drinker. Anywhere from 1-3 cups a day. I can't help myself!
haha i just wondered. I only drink it every so often. usually Black or with baileys haha.
My take??? I take mine with fat free French Vanilla creamer and artificial sweetner. Some things in life I can't give up...several large cups of coffee in the morning with the two additives above are it for me. I'll give up everything else (and if I think about it, I have given up everything else) but this.
I drink 5-10 cups of tea (black, no sugar) a day but coffee just doesn't hit the spot the same way. Unless it's very milky. And full of sugar. Mmmm.
Scandinavian people are the biggest coffee consumers in the world. I think I'm a typical consumer and drink 3-4 mugs a day. At my highest I could easily have 10 mugs in one day. Personally I always drink my coffee with (skimmed) milk and without sugar or sweeteners.
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I've gone down from about 10 large cups per day to 1 - 2 cups per day. Not easy, and I had raging headaches for the first few days - caffeine withdrawal.

Nowadays I have one in the morning with my breakfast, with sweeteners and skimmed milk, and sometimes another one in the afternoon. I don't think I will ever give my coffee up entirely, but I found other warm drinks I like.

Green tea with vanilla flavour, and Roiboos tea with vanilla or caramel are quite nice. Also something called Caro-Coffee. Not sure if that's available everywhere...in Germany, where I grew up, you could get it everywhere, but here in the UK you can only get it from health stores. It doesn't taste like coffee at all, but it tastes good, and is reasonably healthy.
Caro Instant Beverage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Like a few people have already said, moderation is key. Coffee is kinda like red wine in that there are health benefits to having 1 serving a day, but any more than that isn't so great. It's not one of those the more you have, the better it is for you kinda things!

You know how real estate agents say 'location, location, location"? I think the weight loss industry's slogan should be "moderation, moderation, moderation"!
My take??? I take mine with fat free French Vanilla creamer and artificial sweetner. Some things in life I can't give up...several large cups of coffee in the morning with the two additives above are it for me. I'll give up everything else (and if I think about it, I have given up everything else) but this.

YES!! :iagree: THIS!!!

My coffee feels like an indulgence, but it practically has no calories! A touch of skim milk hardly adds any. And articificial sweetners make life worth living, IMHO!

I don't see what the virtue is in black coffee, though. It's icky.